I am using the Anyware GP-IR02BK as we speak. IR02 works well, I like it very much. You might have to add it as a mceusb2 remote device. I just added it and it worked after a reboot or two. I believe it is the same except IR02 is a two channel remote.
Info on another cheap anywhere remote on the following site:
http://www.pcclub.com/product_details.cfm?itemno=A7252264By PYITE (3) on October 08,2007
This is just a re-labeled version of the Topseed eHome remote. It works the standard lirc_mceusb2 driver. This remote is NOT able to learn the on/off/volume buttons, sadly. But what do you expect for $25.
One annoying minus, however - I had to take the values from "lsusb" and put them in the lirc_mceusb2 driver because this remote is newer than even the latest LIRC driver. Look for the existing Topseed entry, and copy it - changing the "0001" to "0008". If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, mark@knm.org
I should move the rating down to 4 from 5 since it has a @#%^#@%$ Windows logo on it.
The Anywhere remotes seem to show up with the same device id.
My lsusb: Bus 003 Device 002: ID 1784:0008
I just ordered the the IR01 yesterday for a MD I am building. It was cheaper than the IR02 and hopefully it will work just as good.