Can you tell me, when you fo to KDE desktop from the Orbiter (with LMCE components running), the start-up sound that KDE desktop makes as it opens, is that distorted?
I didn't actually pay attention to that.... I'll have to try, my first inclination is to say that it was distorted.
What I did to test this..
1) I Switched off the auto start of the Media Director.
2) ran mplayer on a long song..
Sound good
3) Start the Media Director
Sound becomes distorted.
4) Switch back to KDE using the Advanced menu.
5) Stop the Media Director from the Launcher
Somewhere between stopping device 35, 33, 32 the sound becomes good again.
35 is HAL
I don't remember what 33 is.
32 is Orbiter.
So based upon that, I disabled those devices one at a time in the web admin app and found that If I don't start the orbiter device the sound does not become distorted.
I then tried to disable the child devices of the orbiter ( mythtv, mplayer, xine, ...), but it seems that those devices don't pay attention to the disabled flag, because I always saw them running in the process status.
I tried killing the individual devices by sending a signal 15 to them, but that didn't do anything (except lock up the orbiter).
So my conclusion, is that one of the sub devices is opening the audio device, and trying to configure it based upon some setting, that I haven't been able to determine the origination of.
I have not been able to alter the behavior while the orbiter is running using alsamixer. I also have not been able to duplicate the problem without the orbiter running.
I'm perfectly willing to concede that I might have messed up a setting in this device, however I have tried reconfiguring the diskless boot directory, and that didn't seem to make any difference, to this problem, it added a few more to my plate though, I had the ATI USB remote working, and now I have to figure out what I did again... I had glxgears working with decent frame rate, and now it's down to 10 FPS. But, I'd like to get this audio issue resolved before I proceed on to the next fire.
The devs did take some time to try to help a bit on the IRC channel, but didn't really have any ideas what to try next.
Thanks for any help.
BTW: would anybody be interested on a WIKI about configuring VNC in the X server.. I have found that to be of great assistance, because you can't really read the characters on the TV in KDE mode, plus overscan. VNC isn't really great in the UI2 orbiter, but it works well for the UI1 orbiter. It's just three lines added to the xorg.conf file, and a password file config.