Hello folks.
This is probably a simple issue, but all of a sudden I am not able to rip or play DVDS. I was in the middle of ripping Madagascar when it came up with errors at 36% thruough. I poped out the disk and inserted another DVD that I have been able to rip before, but the Cancel Rip icon is showing in the Manage Drives screen. Clicking on it does nothing. Clicking on Play brings up a message "I cannoth play this media. Perhaps there is not a valid device in this entertainment area capable of playing it. Drive is not available".
I have powered off and on the core (that's where the drive is), but it didn't fix it.
I went to Admin, Ripping Status and it showed that Madagascar was stuck at 36%. Not knowing the correct way to clear things up, I purged all 10 items but that didn't help either (I guess purging only removes the status messages?).
Any help would be appreciated.
I know, what a noob...