For the server device in the admin console there are fields for username and password. In the share device which is beneath the server device there are fields for the share name, username and password. Make sure you have filled in both usernames and both passwords.
I have already tried this. I have tried all the user name and password options user name and password on server only, on both server and share, and on share only. No luck with any of them.
If it still doesn't connect, 1) you can open Computer Management on the 2003 machine and navigate into the shares/sessions/files part - keep hitting refresh and you should see LMCE periodically connecting to the share.
It never showed up under the sessions on the file server.
2) turn on (if it isn't already) Security logging and go to the Security log viewer in Computer Management - you will see each attempt LMCE makes to connect to the share, whether it was successful or not, and if not a message as to why (eg bad password, expired account, etc)
every thing looks ok under the security logs. set up to log both success and and failures. It only shows successful logon/logoff and account logon events # are 538, 540, 576, 680 These seem to repeat about every 3-5 seconds
This is the log for event id 680 this is the only one that has any error codes but it is a successful atempt so i am not sure it this is the problem. does error code 0x0 mean no errors?
Logon account: tXXXXX
Source Workstation: DCEROUTER
Error Code: 0x0
is your server set up as stand alone or PDC?
It is a stand alone server in the linuxmce workgroup the xp box that works is also in the same workgroup.