I am having a problem that I hope someone could give me a couple of pointers on.
I am trying to get mythtv to work on my system.
I have installed a dedicated core with 7.10 RC 1.
I have placed my PVR 500 in the core, and as far as I can see it works.
I tested it with cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/test.mpg, and a file with static was created. I have no channels scanned so far.
I have a diskless MD, with UI2, that seams to work great.
When I am trying to run MythTV setup from computing on the MD, everything looks fine in the general section.
MD IP is set to and the Master IP is set to
My problem
Under Capture Device->New Capture Device, it seams like the MD has no contact with my PVR.
Probed info shows ->Failed to open
If I try to run TV from the Linux MCE menu, I get the error message -could not connect to master backend server-
When I boot the MD I see a service called mythtvbackend service started.
Is this correct, I thought the backend was suppose to run on the core.
When I try to run:
http://coreip/mythweb, I get the following error message:
Unable to connect to the master backend at Is it running?
By the way I have also configured my MD in plutoAdmin with a PVR 500 tuner card.
Could someone please give me a hint, of how to configure MythTV.