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Messages - ranpow

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Developers / Re: Orbiter generating bug on LMCE-1004-20121215102626939
« on: December 20, 2012, 03:55:55 pm »
SBBS, so i guess the second nic would have to be wireless or nornal connected to a router, but then my iPAD :) will get his IP from the router.
So my first questune would be, in a setup where the 2th nic is wireless How do you configure the extra wifi varbs is it thru the admin panel or directly on host(aka SSH)? then asuming its configured does it acts as DHCP on that wireless LAN as well?
So if i disabled the routers DHCP then connect from iPAD via the wifi router will it still get the IP from linuxMCE.

In any case, as iv noticed befor, 1 nic and 1 virtual IP is ok too cuase wehn it sends the connect to DCE router it looks for 80.1 and finds it even if its virtual(it doesnt leave the host)

So in other words, the orbiter connects to apache on port 80 then start to communictae with DCE with sockets to the orbiter specific port etc..
The orbiter can connect to any of the apache IPs and it will be ok as long as 80.1 is configured somehow.

Developers / Re: Orbiter generating bug on LMCE-1004-20121215102626939
« on: December 19, 2012, 09:07:36 pm »
Hi sbcc,
Just to update on the web orbiter issue, looks like the install is taking into account that there are two nics
so it configure the internal ip as eth1 insted of eth0:0
Changing it will fix the issue.

Regarding the video freeze on version 10.04, im ussing Gigabyte motherbourd i dont have the exact part no. but ill be happy to post it later
My setup is core/hybrid


Developers / Re: Orbiter generating bug on LMCE-1004-20121215102626939
« on: December 19, 2012, 06:38:19 pm »
Well, i didnt dig in too much yet but following apache logs show

[Wed Dec 19 19:34:11 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: userlang in /var/www/lmce-admin/inc
lude/ on line 66, referer:
[Wed Dec 19 19:34:11 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: userlang in /var/www/lmce-admin/inc
lude/ on line 66, referer:

0_web_orbiter.log shows

Attempting to create socket on host port 3461 ... OK.
socket_connect() failed.
Reason: (110) Connection timed out
Closing socket ... OK.

when the orbiter moves from authentication to loading the main gui

It tries to connect to the wronge IP(80.x) The main nic is so it binds to eth0
the install proccess looks for eth1 but fail cause eth1 doesnt exists.
A fast workarround i found is to change eth1 to eth0:0 and that solves the issue.

Developers / Orbiter generating bug on LMCE-1004-20121215102626939
« on: December 19, 2012, 05:44:17 pm »
I just tried the latest 1004-20121215102626939 the install went ok(very well compared to 8.1 :)
Went right away to installing a web orbiter and noticed it doesnt work
Firewall rules are disabled and the orbiter full gen web ok(reboot and reinstall the proxy orbiter didnt help)
On earlier versions of 1004 it loaded the web orbiter ok.

Few repository early versions(few version earlier of 10.04) had small bug related to the movie player
The issue is when for example you start a movie -> close it -> open new movie will bring a black screen and the movie wont start
Playing arround wont help ither but reboot or quick gen will fix it for another single movie then it stack again
Im new to linuxMCE but tried version 8 for few days and its great(the video issue wasnt there) it could be hardware/kernel related
but version 8 worked great, iv also tried to swap two video cards(intel / nvidia) to see if its fixing the video issue(on 1004 but it was the same)
Other issue was that nvidia gforce 620 didnt work on version 8, the os installed ok with the nvidia driver but linuxMCE installer
didnt find it then couldnt load the startX on next startup(with error related to starting graphic card)
Iv noticed that the default root MySQL password is empty i think its best to put something else there :)

I realy like this project.

Developers / Re: Small bug
« on: December 06, 2012, 07:19:30 pm »
Ill try that, ps i have small probelm installing kubuntu 10 on my laptop so im not sure it will install ok on this repository as well
My laptop is acer aspire.


Developers / Small bug
« on: December 06, 2012, 06:25:20 pm »
Just wanted to report a small bug in mce-install script on the new 10.04 version
on on the internet installation section,
It refers to
wget -q && chmod +x
This installation is broken due to core files link(for wget) im gonna fix that probebly

Also, does anyone know if version 1004 will work on kubuntu 12 ?, looks like kubuntu 10 is not avaible anymore
also will drop support sooner.


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