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Messages - gsherwin

Pages: [1]
Users / Re: E-mail
« on: August 18, 2010, 02:01:20 am »
I tried this method when it first came out and did not have any success in sending messages.  When the parameter calls for a string value, is it necessary to use single quotes?  I've read the requirement of single quotes when doing text to voice, but is this a requirement whenever the parameter is text?

Users / Re: E-mail
« on: August 17, 2010, 01:24:37 am »
I followed the directions and everything works perfectly.  Thank you so much for the response, now the work begins on the next phase of implementation.

Users / E-mail
« on: August 10, 2010, 03:09:10 pm »
I've been running 8.10 for a awhile for Z-wave security and streaming audio purposes.  I am now trying to integrate e-mail to send me messages when door sensors are tripped.  I've updated to most current snapshot and no joy with testing e-mail messages.  I've performed the postfix interactive script to get e-mail going, again no joy.

Is e-mail actually working and how if so how can I get mine to work?


Users / Re: Aeon Labs Z-Stick and Security [SOLVED]
« on: April 02, 2010, 07:42:21 pm »
After several resets of devices and the usb stick and trying them one at a time, I was finally able to get the first motion sensor working by doing a Set Association Command.  Node was 2 (the motion detector), Group was 1, and List of Nodes was 1 (the USB stick).  After getting it to work, I added the door sensor to the stick, did the Set Association for it, this time Node was 3 (the door sensor node) and things started firing that as well.

Everything is working perfectly so time to start deploying it throughout the house.

Many thanks to all who replied to this and my other posts, this system is awesome.

Users / Re: Aeon Labs Z-Stick and Security
« on: March 30, 2010, 07:41:16 pm »
This sounds promising.  I'm not sure if this is my issue though.  I'm "bench testing" these so the sensor and stick are right next to each other.  I have been able to use Z-Tools and actually see the values being transmitted back through the stick so I konw I have good reception.

What release of LMCE are you using?  I'm on 7.10 right now.  Do I need to get the new driver that Hari has out there or should that have been included with the 7.10 version I downloaded about 1 1/2 months ago?

Users / Re: Aeon Labs Z-Stick and Security
« on: March 30, 2010, 01:38:16 pm »
No I have not been able to resolve it.  I tried every combination of parameters in the Set Association command but nothing worked.  I even dump my 7.10 installation and tried upgrading to 8.10, but no success.  I had so many other problems with the 8.10 install that I have gone back to 7.10 and it sits there idle until I can get this resolved.

After the fresh install of 7.10, I have my USB stick showing as node 1 and my door sensor (named automatically as Motion Detector 2 bny LMCE) as node 2.  Is there anyone that would be able to provide some guidance?  Screenshots walking through the process would be mush appreciated too.

I am very excited about the LMCE system, but until I can get this door sensor to work, it sits useless.

Users / Changing Z-Wave Associations
« on: February 22, 2010, 04:01:42 am »
Once Z-wave associations are made, how are they changed through the web interface?  Hardware setup includes an Aeon Z-stick and PIR motion detector.  Thanks

Users / Help with Z-Wave
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:18:02 pm »
I have an Aeon Z-Stick and a HomeRemote HRMD1 motion detector.  I can successfully add the PIR to the dongle, plug the dongle into the core, and have Z-Wave and the PIR show up in the devices tree.  I can not make the PIR fire any events.  I understand that the proper associations must be set, but am at a loss for how to do that.

Can someone please inform me the values that I need to use in the Set Associations command and if I should start that command from the Z-Wave device screen or the PIR device screen on the web interface.  Step by Step instructions from the beginning would be great.

When the PIR senses motion I want the floor plan to be notified and the alarm to trigger when armed.  Been working for two weeks now trying to figure it out and completely stuck.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Users / Re: Aeon Labs Z-Stick and Security
« on: February 09, 2010, 01:37:06 am »
I see the node ID of the PIR (node 3) and Door Sensor (node 2) in the web interface.  I'm assuming it is listed as Port/Chanel Number?  What am I supposed to be associating the sensors with?  Also, what group should they be associated with?

I am not using any other Z-Wave devices, just the Z-Stick.  My only goal with Z-Wave at the moment is to pick up an intruder and alert the Orbiters.

Thanks for your help.

Users / Aeon Labs Z-Stick and Security
« on: February 06, 2010, 03:57:10 pm »
I am just starting out with LMCE and love everything I see.  My current setup includes a core and a WebDT 366.  I'm starting small and adding in pieces slowly.  My focus is home security, then telecom, then A/V.

I seem to be stuck with getting security sensors to work.  I have a webcam attached to the core and MOTION running and it picks up motion and fires off security events with no problem, working great.  The issues start with the Z-Wave devices I have.  I have an Aeon Labs Z-Stick, a Hawking Tech HRDS1 wireless door/window sensor, and a Hawking Tech HRMD1 Wireless Motion Detector.  I can add the sensors to the Z-Stick (pushing the the blue button and everything) and after plugging the stick into the core they show up under the Z-Wave interface.  Both devices show as Motion Detectors.

I can not make the sensors fire any Security events.  What I've seen from the webcam is that when motion is detected there, it fires the security event and I have to enter a pin number on an orbiter.  I can not make the wireless Z-Wave sensors do that.

I have scoured the Wiki and the forums and can not seen to find what I'm missing.  My first phase with LMCE is security so I'm stalled out on further implementation.


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