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Topics - pw44

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the linksys pap2t-na has 2 FXS ports and only 1 mac address and ip address.
Is it possible to define extension numbers for each of the FXS ports, i.e, FXS1 = extendion 206 and FXS2 = extension 207?
Also considering that you can assign an extension to an user, so when you receive a call, the voice prompts "to dial Paulo, press 1, to dial Paulchen, press 2, to dial Bruna, press 3",  can i create an user called Paulo-Mobile, with extension 204 and an user called fax, with extension 205, so the prompt also continues "to dial Paulomobile, press 4, to dial fax, press 5", so when 4 is selected, it would ring my mobile phone (sip client) and 5 seleted would ring the fax machine?
I did read the wiki and found it fantastic, but using this instructions, i can create an extension in asterisk, but how would the prompt recognize it and direct an incoming call to it, because no phone for it is created in webadmin, so, the extension assigned using this wiki is not a "known" extension for webamin and the whole integration?

Installation issues / [SOLVED] Linksys SPA-3102 Logging.
« on: March 11, 2010, 02:12:02 am »
i would like to log the linksys-spa3102 and for this, i defined the syslog and debug servers as, debug level 3 and under webadmin -> Advanced -> Network -> Firewall rules i openned the 514 udp port (udp     514 to 0     0     0     core_input), but there is no logging.
Anything missing or wrong on my procedure?

Installation issues / Question about AV devices
« on: March 09, 2010, 12:03:20 am »
today i finished the definition for my Yamaha DSP-A1 amp and my Yamaha KX-390 cassete deck (ok, it's old, but i do yet have lots of tapes... ).
After adding both to V Equipment, testing all the IR commands (all working), i did the connection wizard, binding the outputs to inputs.
The orbiters were generated, and i can find the KX-390 under media scenario. But selecting it, it does nothing.
What is to be done, so when i select KX-390 under media scenario it selects tape1 input from amp and at least begins to play the tape....


trying to configure the linksys spa-3102 for pstn line use only, i did follow the page.
But something must be changed since than.
I successfully created the trunk, inbound route and outbound route.
The problem is after using the "temporary hack" described below, the inbound route for broadvoice is not created.
Trunk contains ZAP/G0, SIP/House Line and SIP/broadvoice
Outbound Routes contains 0 House Line and 1 broadvoice
Inbound Routes contains 2122498618 / any CID , but no broadvoice entry.

Code: [Select]
Next, go to Wizard->Devices->Phone Lines (on the left pane in the LinuxMCE web admin, not in FreePBX). We are going to add a dummy line (NOTE: this is a temporary hack for now! I won't go into too many details other than saying that it will allow you to use the "Settings" link next to the listing to do some call routing on your pstn line!) Use the dropdown to select broadvoice. Once you do this, you will see a form to fill in some data. Just put whatever you want in the fields, they won't be used with this hack! After you are done, you will see it listed as a phone line - use the "settings" link next to it to do call routing depending on security mode! (Note: After creating this "dummy" phone line, go back to the FreePBX admin, and look at the Incoming Route for the broadvoice line. Look at the Custom App option at the bottom of the page. It should contain that same custom-linuxmce,102,1. If it does not, go back to the Incoming Route for the House Line, and change its custom app line to be the same as this one! From my tests, it should be the same (though the 3 digit number can change, so check this to be sure).
How could it be solved? I do not have voip service (yet), only pstn service.



Users / Huluplayer proxy
« on: March 05, 2010, 07:50:51 pm »
as known, hulu server blocks access from outside the US.
I've read that it's possible to access it's contents via available proxies.
Is there a way to define a proxy only for hulu player?

Installation issues / [SOLVED] DHCP question about fixed addresses.
« on: March 05, 2010, 01:03:57 am »
my IP camera has the fixed adress of and connecting it to the net, webadmin -> Advanced -> Networks -> DHCP Leases shows it got
But pinging to fails and pinging to works.
So, i edited the dhcpd.conf file and added the IP cam as static, so a random address ist not assigned to it. After restarting dhcpd server, it remains assigning the 129 to the IP cam.
Any hint?

Installation issues / [SOLVED] Problem with Windows CE Orbiter
« on: March 03, 2010, 11:20:34 pm »
after installing the windows ce orbiter, it connects, shows a very fast screen and exits. Looking the DCERouter.log, it shows the following lines or the #54 orbiter:

Code: [Select]
08      03/03/10 18:51:07.841           Received Message from 54 (Windows CE PDA (Vert Display) / Living) to Infrared Plug-in(7), type 1 id  688 Command:Get Remote Control Mapping, retry none, parameters: <0xb10f9b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:07.841             Parameter 5(Value To Assign):  <0xb10f9b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:09.380           Received Message from 54 (Windows CE PDA (Vert Display) / Living) to General Info Plug-in(4), type 1 id  239 Command:Request File And Checksum, retry none, parameters: <0xb10f9b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:09.380             Parameter 13(Filename): /usr/pluto/bin/Orbiter_CeNet4_XScale.dat <0xb10f9b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:09.380             Parameter 91(Checksum):  <0xb10f9b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:09.380             Parameter 92(Checksum Only): 1 <0xb10f9b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:09.487           Received Message from 54 (Windows CE PDA (Vert Display) / Living) to General Info Plug-in(4), type 1 id  71 Command:Request File, retry none, parameters: <0xb10f9b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:09.487             Parameter 13(Filename): /usr/pluto/bin/UpdateBinaryCE.exe <0xb10f9b90>
01      03/03/10 18:51:09.488           requested missing file: /usr/pluto/bin/UpdateBinaryCE.exe <0x918efb90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:10.278           Received Message from 54 (Windows CE PDA (Vert Display) / Living) to Orbiter Plug-in(9), type 1 id  694 Command:Get Orbiter Status, retry none, parameters: <0xb10f9b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:10.278             Parameter 2(PK_Device): 54 <0xb10f9b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:10.279             Parameter 5(Value To Assign):  <0xb10f9b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:10.279             Parameter 9(Text):  <0xb10f9b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:10.279             Parameter 48(Value): 269012 <0xb10f9b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:10.413           Received Message from 54 (Windows CE PDA (Vert Display) / Living) to General Info Plug-in(4), type 1 id  71 Command:Request File, retry none, parameters: <0xb10f9b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:10.413             Parameter 13(Filename): orbiter/C54/ <0xb10f9b90>
01      03/03/10 18:51:10.414           requested missing file: orbiter/C54/ <0x918efb90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:11.006           Socket::ReceiveData 0x86745ea8 failed, bytes left 0 start: 1920000 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 135 Incoming_Conn Socket 135 54 T=8 Event #54 <0xb10f9b90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:11.007           Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 135 54 T=8 Event #54 <0xb10f9b90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:11.007           TCPIP: Closing connection to 54 (Router Dev #0) 0x86745ea8 m_Socket: -1 <0xb10f9b90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:11.007           Router::RemoveAndDeleteSocket 0x86745ea8 54 <0xb10f9b90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:11.011           Socket::ReceiveData 0x867460b8 failed, bytes left 0 start: 1910000 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 79 Incoming_Conn Socket 79 54 T=8 Event #54 <0x6ceccb90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:11.011           Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 79 54 T=8 Event #54 <0x6ceccb90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:11.011           TCPIP: Closing connection to 54 (Router Dev #0) 0x867460b8 m_Socket: -1 <0x6ceccb90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:11.007           Router::RemoveAndDeleteSocket 0x86745ea8 54 <0xb10f9b90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:11.011           Socket::ReceiveData 0x867460b8 failed, bytes left 0 start: 1910000 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 79 Incoming_Conn Socket 79 54 T=8 Event #54 <0x6ceccb90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:11.011           Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 79 54 T=8 Event #54 <0x6ceccb90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:11.011           TCPIP: Closing connection to 54 (Router Dev #0) 0x867460b8 m_Socket: -1 <0x6ceccb90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:11.011           Router::RemoveAndDeleteSocket 0x867460b8 54 <0x6ceccb90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:14.000           Socket::ReceiveData 0x86744b98 failed, bytes left 0 start: 1900000 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 160 Incoming_Conn Socket 160 dev 54 <0x9d2f6b90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:14.000           Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 160 dev 54 <0x9d2f6b90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:14.001           ServerSocket::PingFailed <0x9d2f6b90>
01      03/03/10 18:51:14.001           Router::PingFailed 0x86744b98 Incoming_Conn Socket 160 dev 54 54 <0x9d2f6b90>
05      03/03/10 18:51:14.001           Router::RemoveAndDeleteSocket 0x86744b98 54 <0x9d2f6b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:24.055           Received Message from 21 (OnScreen Orbiter / Living) to 10 (Media Plug-in / Living), type 1 id 74 Command:Bind to Media Remote, retry none, parameters: <0x716d5b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:24.055             Parameter 2(PK_Device):  <0x716d5b90>
08      03/03/10 18:51:24.055             Parameter 3(PK_DesignObj):  <0x716d5b90>

Is there anything i have to do in order to have it running?



Installation issues / MPlayer not starting
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:42:39 am »
after having mplayer working, with H264, sound and subtitles, i decided to create a scenario, and something went wrong, but i really don't know what.
Trying to play .m2ts files crashes, and investigating the logfile for mplayer, /var/log/pluto/26_MPlayer_Player.log, i've found:

Code: [Select]
3       02/25/10 14:51:49       26 (spawning-device)    Device died... count=1/50 dev=26                                      
Thu Feb 25 14:51:49 BRT 2010 died                                                                                            
========== NEW LOG SECTION ==========                                                                                        
1       02/25/10 14:51:59       26 (spawning-device)    Starting... 2
1       02/25/10 14:51:59       26 (spawning-device)    Found ./MPlayer_Player
05      02/25/10 16:02:37.026           Dropping all sockets... <0xb791a6c0>
05      02/25/10 16:02:37.127           Done dropping sockets! <0xb791a6c0>
05      02/25/10 16:02:37.127           void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0x8eeb358 (m_Socket: 6) <0xb791a6c0>
Return code: 0
2       02/25/10 16:02:37       26 (spawning-device)    Shutting down... count=2/50 dev=26
Thu Feb 25 16:02:37 BRT 2010 Shutdown
1       02/25/10 16:07:01 26 (spawning-device)    28493 Dev: 26; Already Running list: 15,16,18,19,40,41,21,35,58,60,25,22,
1       02/25/10 16:07:01 26 (spawning-device)    device: 26 ip: cmd_line: MPlayer_Player
0       02/25/10 16:07:01       26 (spawning-device)    Entering 26
========== NEW LOG SECTION ==========
1       02/25/10 16:07:01       26 (spawning-device)    Starting... 1
1       02/25/10 16:07:01       26 (spawning-device)    Found ./MPlayer_Player
05      02/25/10 16:07:13.756           Got a reload command from 0  <0xb70c1b90>
05      02/25/10 16:07:14.872           Dropping all sockets... <0xb78c36c0>
05      02/25/10 16:07:14.873           Done dropping sockets! <0xb78c36c0>
05      02/25/10 16:07:14.874           void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0x81e0358 (m_Socket: 6) <0xb78c36c0>
Return code: 2
2       02/25/10 16:07:14       26 (spawning-device)    Device requests restart... count=1/50 dev=26
2       02/25/10 16:07:15       26 (spawning-device)    Device was disabled or removed. Stopping and marking as not running.

At the end, it tells disabled or removed. I did not remove mplayer, and am not finding in webadmin where to enable it.

Can anyone tell me where to enable it in webamin?


Users / USB UIRT dies
« on: February 23, 2010, 10:45:44 pm »
i'm facing a problem with usb uirt, which i'm not being able to solve. After installed, usb uirt works, but sometime later, it stops to respond.
I did disconnect, try anotehr usb port, reboot the core/hybrid, it appears, the log shows it is reading code, but after a period of time, it dies.... not reading codes (pointing the remote to it and pressing any key) or sends any code....
Code: [Select]
05      02/23/10 18:16:35.189           GSD-Sleep Post 89 : 0 <0xb58f2b90>                                    
05      02/23/10 18:16:35.189           GSD-Sleep Pre 89 : 0 <0xb58f2b90>                                    
01      02/23/10 18:16:35.533           UsbUirt transmit failed sending 0000 006a 0022 0002 0158 00b0 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 05fe 0158 0057 0016 0e70! <0xb58f2b90>
05      02/23/10 18:16:35.533           GSD-Sleep Post 89 : 0 <0xb58f2b90>                                    
05      02/23/10 18:16:35.533           _QueueProc Post - 89 : 0 <0xb58f2b90>                                
05      02/23/10 18:16:35.533           ---- _QueueProc Ignored - 89 <0xb58f2b90>                            
05      02/23/10 18:16:39.514           #### Pre-Process Queue = 1 <0xb60f3b90>                              
05      02/23/10 18:16:39.514           #### Pre-Process Queue = 2 <0xb60f3b90>                              
05      02/23/10 18:16:39.559           _QueueProc Pre - 192 : 0 <0xb58f2b90>                                
05      02/23/10 18:16:39.559           GSD-Sleep Pre 192 : 0 <0xb58f2b90>
01      02/23/10 18:17:54.341           UsbUirt transmit failed sending 0000 006a 0022 0002 0158 00b0 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0042 0016 0016 0016 05fe 0158 0057 0016 0e70! <0xb60f3b90>
05      02/23/10 18:19:04.878           Got a reload command from 0  <0xb60f3b90>
05      02/23/10 18:19:05.177           void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0x86b5348 (m_Socket: 7) <0xb79db6c0>

I did reload the router, regen the orbiter but is not working.
I did add my AV amplifier, it was controlled well for some minutes and then usb uirt stopped to work.

Anyone faced this before and have a hint?



Users / Red screen flashes
« on: February 22, 2010, 03:13:10 am »
since the installation of lmce beta 2, i've been noting that during video media playback, red screen flashes for a very short period during the playback, and sometimes, video freezes for around 1 or 2 seconds, but audio does not.
Anyone faced this before?

Users / IR Code capture
« on: February 21, 2010, 03:29:56 pm »
is there a way to see which IR remote code is being read by the UIRT, like a log which shows what is being read?

Users / UI2 crashes when browsing
« on: February 21, 2010, 01:45:47 am »
after transfering all my files (around 8.000 mp3 files and 1.500 video files avi, mpeg, mkv, wmv), i'm getting periodic crashes when browsing the media library, i.e, Media -> Audio. Dragging the mouse down for fast scroll (4 arrows), after some rolling, it stops, the UI2 freezes, and the orbiter begins to rebuild.
The same happens when browsing the Media -> Videos.
I don't think is lack of computing power. The orbiter is running on the hybrid, with a Phenom 955, 2 GB DDR 800, Nvidia 8200 with 512 MB and a 1 TB Raid 5.
Anyone got this problem?

Installation issues / Orbiter on Windows CE.
« on: February 10, 2010, 12:23:45 am »
i did try to install the orbiter on windows CE (.cab), but no luck. it opens a configuration window but nothing happens.
Anyone using orbiter on windows ce?

Users / Subtitles Problem - the saga - Is it broken?
« on: February 04, 2010, 05:29:11 pm »
i do need subtitles support, and got a suggestion to rename the srt file.
I have Avatar.avi and, and according to the suggestion i symlinked the to
Did not work.
Renamed to
Did not work.
Please, is there a way to use subtitles?
Could one of the developers give me some hint in how to make it work, because in the file /etc/pluto/xine.conf. i've found:
# Subtitle autoloading
# bool, default: 1
As i understand, the default should be autoloading subtitles, but it does not.
I tryed to uncoment the line gui.subtitle_autoload:1, hopping it could help, but no effect.
Is there a way to make it work, or would it be better to download the whole source tree and try to find out where to fix it?

Users / Problem with Beta 2 - mythtv shows bottom colored stripes
« on: February 04, 2010, 05:04:23 pm »
i´ve installed the beta 2 in my upgrade machine, and after that, i configured mythtv. I´m using the Hauppuge PVR -150. When starting TV (mythtv), i get i bottom stripe, colored like a rainbow, and i´m not able to make this stripe go away. Did anyone face such a problem?
PVR-150 with antena on coax. Scanning "try-all" does nothing. Scanning us-bcast only brings 4 channels, but i have channels from 2 to 103. Scanning us-cable also does nothing.

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