« on: July 19, 2009, 01:04:09 pm »
I am just running through the reinstall of my Linuxmce machine after it died in a lightening storm and am having problems getting my custom modeline working.
I had overscan in KDE so tried to get the modeline i had previously working back into my system;
ModeLine "1360x768" 85.50 1360 1424 1536 1792 768 771 778 795 -HSync -VSync
(In /usr/pluto/share/Resolutions.conf. as per the wiki).
All seemed well except when i rebooted and went through the avwizard linux mce never booted up in 1360x768 (it always went back to 640x480 or similar).
I tried setting my own xorg.conf up and neutered the avwizard as per the wiki but whenever i started my system linux mce only took up the top left hand corner of the screen (ie it was still running at the old resolution and not loading full screen).
Also what difference does the "driver" value make in the resolutions.conf file? It seems a bit random as to which are set as via and which nvidia
I removed the neutered line from the wizard and restarted but i still have the same problem. The avwizard accepts 720p with no problems.
What am i doing wrong this time? (It worked fine on my last install!).
The other option is I am happy with neutered AVwizard and running my own xorg.conf but how to i tell linux mce to be full screen / use a higher resolution without the avwizard?
Any help greatly received.