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Messages - joerod

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Users / old server proliant ml530 G1
« on: May 20, 2014, 04:20:25 pm »
I was given an old 2 processor proliant ml 530 g1 ( with scsi drives (5 discs running raid5) 2.5 gigs of ecc ram (PC133MHz Registered ECC SDRAM DIMM Module) power supply array, etc.

The installation went great (network install of 1004).  I was able to configure hdpvr, and two media directors. Everything seems stable and something expected to be slower, but I did not expect logging into a MD via ssh would take 1-2mins to login, playing a video from an MD would take 30-60 seconds to begin playing and 45 - 90 seconds from the moment myth starts to the moment the live stream begins. 

Am I missing something? Do you guys think this kinda of core hardware would cause this kinda of problem?  During these slow load times core CPU is not at 100%.

Any ideas on why some components are working slow while others (screensaver, zwave lights, router reloads, among oothers) work fine?

Users / Re: Purge Camera Archive
« on: May 11, 2014, 03:50:21 am »
Is this really fixed? My camera recordings seem to be erased daily even though purge period is set to 5. Any ideas?

Users / Re: Haven't posted a thank you in a while
« on: March 01, 2014, 11:51:01 pm »
If I could like this post I would so... (LIKE)...

Users / Re: What PVR
« on: March 01, 2014, 11:49:08 pm »
I use mythTV on 1004 using a local cable computer "LibertyCable" connected via rca cables to a HDPVR.  Everything works great, I use the IR Blaster on the HDPVR to change the channels and schedules direct for the guide.  I have very few complaints about myth (most concerning the UI).  I had to configure everything manually, but once it was working Ive had no problems (been about 3 months).

Users / Re: X100P
« on: December 21, 2013, 06:09:48 pm »
Ok, I got it working and from I can tell its working the way its suppose to (no crazy hacks, but yes I had to change code). I will try to document it as best I can in wiki and will try to comunicate with developers to get this committed, but here what I did:

Line: 24 (REPLACE):
Code: [Select]
Line: 106 (REPLACE):
Code: [Select]
<td><B>'.translate('TEXT_HOST_CONST').' / Channel *</B></td>
Line: 366 (APPEND):
Code: [Select]
        elif [[ $protocol == "DAHDI" ]]; then
                LINESSQL="$LINESSQL INSERT INTO $DB_Extensions_Table (context,exten,priority,app,appdata) VALUES \
Lines: 382-387 (REPLACE):
Code: [Select]
        LINESSQL="$LINESSQL DELETE FROM $DB_Extensions_Table WHERE context like '$context';"

        if [[ $protocol == "DAHDI" ]]; then
                LINESSQL="$LINESSQL INSERT INTO $DB_Extensions_Table (context,exten,priority,app,appdata) VALUES \
                ('$context','_.','1','Set','GROUP()=OUT_$LineCounter'), \
                LINESSQL="$LINESSQL INSERT INTO $DB_Extensions_Table (context,exten,priority,app,appdata) VALUES \
                ('$context','_.','1','Set','GROUP()=OUT_$LineCounter'), \

After the configure/installation of DAHDI and /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf I can access Phone Lines from web admin and add a new FX0 trunk. 

Users / Re: X100P
« on: December 18, 2013, 08:37:31 pm »
once dahdi was installed I had to add the driver to /etc/dahdi/modules file: for the X100P card the driver name was: wcfxo
then restarted dahdi: service dahdi restart
then I noticed in dmesg that the correct module was installed for the card that showed lspci
then I ran dahdi_cfg and dahdi_genconf
it generated the correct configuration files for both dahdi and asterisk, but asterisk did not have the dahdi modules installed so I ran: apt-get install asterisk-dahdi and then uncommented the dahdi module from /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
I then created a /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf file with the contents of the previously mentioned zapata.conf file.
I restarted asterisk and connected to the console using asterisk -vvvvr
and typing dahdi show channels I can see my card. I can also execute dahdi_tool and see my card.


how do I set my card as the out route now that freebpx isnt available?

Users / X100P
« on: December 18, 2013, 04:54:12 am »
Before I get start I just want to clarify why I'm using an X100P card instead of a SIP provider...

My cable company gave me a free phone line that I have no use for, so why not connect it to dcerouter.

OK, I'm trying to compile information on how to get my X100P card I purchased from last week.  I started a wiki page where I will documenting the process. I would greatly appreciate any help from the linuxmce gods. 

ATM, I have only installed the Dahdi package and ran dahdi_genconf.  I have noticed that lspci does say something is connected and dahdi_hardware seems to like the card, but thats as far as Ive gotten.


Users / Re: Video: Demonstration of SimplePhone and USB Speakerphone
« on: November 25, 2013, 08:52:58 pm »
Is this still working in 10.04?

Users / Re: Samsung Galaxy s3- anyone able to use orbiter
« on: November 17, 2013, 04:17:44 am »
Yup, just installed fresh 1004 and installed touch orbiter on both an ASUS TF101 and a Galaxy S2 both using ICS

Users / Re: samba password
« on: November 09, 2013, 03:00:26 am »

Users / Re: samba password
« on: November 03, 2013, 01:05:10 am »
the same thing is happening to me.  samba errors:

check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [joerod] -> [pluto_joerod] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER


pluto_joerod:10000:136F50F84BE46F24AAD3B435B51404EE:34915F325133F948C86899E373B65274:[U          ]:LCT-00000001:,,,



trying to change samba password (command-line)

dcerouter_1036104:/etc/samba# smbpasswd joerod
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Failed to find entry for user joerod.

Any ideas?

Developers / Re: Chromecast
« on: August 27, 2013, 02:57:08 am »
Update 2: We just got a statement from a Google spokesperson which addressed the main concern:

We’re excited to bring more content to Chromecast and would like to support all types of apps, including those for local content. It's still early days for the Google Cast SDK, which we just released in developer preview for early development and testing only. We expect that the SDK will continue to change before we launch out of developer preview, and want to provide a great experience for users and developers before making the SDK and additional apps more broadly available.


Developers / Re: media tagging
« on: August 25, 2013, 05:36:55 pm »
Just found that auto tag does work if I put Movies in sub-type and fixed the title according to the auto-tag log.

Developers / media tagging
« on: August 25, 2013, 05:26:38 pm »
Is it just me or is auto tag, get metadata, and deleting images attributes all broken?  Can seem to tag anything automatically "Found Overriding Media Sub Type::0"?

Users / Re: hauppauge hd pvr 1212
« on: August 25, 2013, 05:18:21 pm »
I had some success with auto-detection, but not in Myth.  I found that the version I had wasnt supported by the kernel 1004 is using.  Not sure if this is the same version as your; you should check lsusb to see if shows up correctly: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 2040:4903 Hauppauge.,12855.0.html

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