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Topics - Govo

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Users / remove videos from unpn ? need help please
« on: April 11, 2009, 11:11:27 pm »
Hi there

i have a windows xp pc sharing a video file to my xbox360 using windows media player for test reasons ,.NOW my problem is that Linux Mce has added this video to  my video library and i cant seem to remove it . it has also multiply by 4 . when i click on it to see where its pulling from it gives me the following address

file/mnt/upnp/server:administrator/Video/All Video/Mad2.Avi
file/mnt/upnp/server:administrator/Video/Video Genres/[Unknown Genre]Mad2.Avi

and so forth

Please advise how to remove it from Linux Mce


Users / adding a Eurovox to linux mce using
« on: April 07, 2009, 08:06:40 pm »
Hi  is it possible to a eurobox to linux mce using a serial cabe and then control it with linux

please advise


Installation issues / rebuilding the main core Orbiter please help
« on: April 04, 2009, 10:04:24 pm »
Hi there

i some how delete the my main Orbiter in core  and now i cant get it to work..

is there a way i can rebuild  a Orbiter for my core ,also when i use the Pluto Orbiter it keeps using my old id and does not take control of my main core.

please help i dont want to rebuild again


Installation issues / removing security setting from basic user
« on: April 02, 2009, 09:53:25 pm »
Hi there

i want to remove the following buttons from the basic ui ,as my daughter  does not need access to them .

The lighting tab
sleep / wake up




computing / sleeping menu / power . more

can these tabs be removed from the setting as i just want her to have access to the video only , i cant seem to find them in web gui.

Please advise


Installation issues / rippng dvds with dvd shrink on linux mce
« on: March 07, 2009, 05:28:08 pm »

can i use dvd shrink to rip a dvd and then copy it over to linux public video folder . i like the way linux can rip the dvd but it takes to long.with dvd shrink i can rip it in five to ten minutes ..

Please advise


Installation issues / Linux mce wont pick up nas server
« on: February 28, 2009, 12:28:38 pm »
Hi folks linux mce wont pick up my naslite server , they are both on the same network.

is there a way to reset this , so that it searchs the net work again.

please advise


Users / How do i get mythtv to work
« on: February 20, 2009, 08:26:13 pm »
Hi again

one small problem , i live in ireland and i'm finding it very hard to get the mythtv to work or scan in channels . is there a guide to getting it work , please advise  on best setup.


Users / using linuxmce as a
« on: February 20, 2009, 05:16:22 pm »
Hi there . is it possible to use linux mce as a web server . i want to do  this to save on esb . rite now i have  trixbox pc ,a web server pc and storage pc

i would like to run them all under linux mce ,

could this be done

P.s all these machines are protected by linux smoothwall firewall

Users / split monitor error
« on: November 12, 2008, 10:49:42 pm »
Hi folks ,

I've Just successfully dual boot linuxmce & windows xp with out any problems on the same laptop harddrive.

But i just have one small problem , how do i get linux mce to switch over to my external monitor  eg my lcd tv .

When i connect the lcd tv vga cable to the laptop i get the both screens with the Kubuntu loading ,but when the linuxmce starts it only shows on my laptop screen and the tv is bank.

i have tried holding fn & then pressing f5 as this changes from screen to screen but it doesnt seem to work.

do i need to install the drivers for linux .please advise on how i can get it to work

as my whole idea was to be able to move from tv to tv.

Thanks & Regards

Installation issues / Need help with mythtv
« on: July 09, 2008, 08:46:57 pm »
how can i find out if my drivers are install corrected,  mythtv keeps saying that failed to open card. step by step on how to get it to work.

also ,i live in ireland,dublin so what would be the best thing to get tv on my linuxmce

some help ideas and help is much greatful

Users / I Have A question for i need answers
« on: May 17, 2008, 02:31:30 pm »
After  months of on going problems with linuxmce i finally got it stable and it turn out to be a hardware issue .Now my question is ,

1, I live in Ireland,Dublin and i was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction on were to buy the rite wireless lights sensors for my house .eg what will i need for all my rooms to be control be linuxmce ?

I know in the video that he says that you can get them as little as 3 s dollars but were ?

I have  Two thousand euro to spend on all my equipment and at the moment i'm buying three fiire thin clients for my televersions .i'm just stuck on were to get my wireless lights sensors?

some help would be great.

Users / how to update free pbx to the latested vr
« on: May 15, 2008, 10:01:46 pm »
how can i update the built in free pbx to the latest version???

Installation issues / help please how do i add cover art to a avi
« on: May 10, 2008, 10:49:05 am »
i have copied an avi file over to my linuxmce ,it plays just fine but there is no cover art. i and was wondering if i download a cover how do i get linuxmce to pick it up?

some help would be great


Error log
Device DCERouter, # 2    
Device Template DCERouter, device category DCE Router, manufacturer Pluto.   

01   05/02/08 12:57:58.093      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x92dcfb90>
01   05/02/08 12:57:59.014      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x92dcfb90>
01   05/02/08 12:58:00.065      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x92dcfb90>


Installation issues / system crash again? need help
« on: April 30, 2008, 08:58:43 pm »
please have a look at my error which i copied from the log error .my system crashed and stop rresponding at 19:44 and i had to do a reboot

4/30/08 17:37:01.093      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x92cfdb90>
01   04/30/08 17:39:36.000      MythBackEnd_Socket::Close <0x9f6d9b90>
01   04/30/08 17:48:42.712      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x926c9b90>
01   04/30/08 17:49:33.001      MythBackEnd_Socket::Close <0x9eee2b90>
01   04/30/08 17:55:56.535      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x92dd3b90>
01   04/30/08 18:01:26.002      DCEConfig::WriteSettings modified LastSearchTokenUpdate=LastSearchTokenUpdate=1209570726 <0xa85feb90>
01   04/30/08 18:42:53.409      debug_stream_end MediaStream::MediaStream c1 1001/0x852dd70 source 37 <0x92dd3b90>
01   04/30/08 18:43:48.291      debug_stream_end Media_Plugin::StreamEnded ID 1001/0x852dd70 delete 1 auto resume 0 resume:  <0x92dd3b90>
01   04/30/08 18:43:48.292      debug_stream_end MediaStream::~MediaStream c1 1001/0x852dd70 <0x92dd3b90>
01   04/30/08 19:39:49.398      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:39:56.116      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:39:57.656      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:39:59.654      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:40:00.658      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:40:06.494      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:40:08.539      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:40:09.259      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:40:14.568      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:40:15.056      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:40:15.885      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:40:18.493      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:40:22.439      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:40:28.356      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:40:29.139      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:40:31.994      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:40:33.729      MediaAttributes_LowLevel::GetAttributeFromDescription PK_MediaType 7 PK_AttributeType 30 string sName * PK_Attribute_Related 0 size 1 <0x922e5b90>
01   04/30/08 19:44:59.641      DCEConfig::WriteSettings modified LastSearchTokenUpdate=LastSearchTokenUpdate=1209580489 <0xa7cfdb90>

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