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Messages - itspac

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Users / MCV zwave and 810 alpha2
« on: May 25, 2009, 05:58:46 am »
anyone using MCV usb zwave stick with 810 alpha2?  I tried mine, it recognizes it, but then says device failed to start.

Just wondering if anyone has experience with this....

Users / Re: I have made the jump, this is what i have ordered..
« on: May 25, 2009, 05:12:10 am »

I'm definitely not great at writing scripts, but this worked for me with one wireless card and one ethernet NIC. For now it assumes there is one of each and the wireless is the external interface.  maybe someone can take this and make it more robust or universal.

I do not have a setup with two ethernet NICs to verify it didnt change anything.

I modified for the install scripts like this....

Code: [Select]
if [ ! -e /tmp/ ]
#       cp ./ /tmp
        if ip link|grep -E -i "eth|ra|wlan|ath"|grep -v -c ether > 1
                if ip link|grep -E -i "ra|wlan|ath"|grep -v -c ether >0
                        wiface=`ip link|grep -E -i 'ra|wlan|ath'|grep -v ether|cut -d ':' -f 2| tr -d [:space:]`
                        lface=`ip link|grep eth|grep -v ether|cut -d ':' -f 2| tr -d [:space:]`
                        sed "/c_netExtName='eth0'/c c_netExtName='$wiface'"| sed "/c_netIntName='eth1'/c c_netIntName='$lface'" >/tmp/
                        cp ./ /tmp/
                cp ./ /tmp/

like i said..  i'm not good at this but giving it a shot.

after using that during install its work in my 810 alpha2 system, but the web-admin says there is only one card even though it shows the wireless card and ethernet card.. I'll play with that next

Users / Re: I have made the jump, this is what i have ordered..
« on: May 18, 2009, 04:42:34 pm »
I honestly don't know where to start at making a patch and haven't had time to research that.

Developers / Re: 0810 installation expierience
« on: May 18, 2009, 04:04:56 pm »
My experience (although I haven't had much time with it):

Install went clean from what I can tell.
Usb-uirt works again
It recognizes I have zwave when I plug my MCV stick, but it returns back that the device failed to start each time. Haven't had time to dig into it

That's all ived tested thus far

Users / Re: I have made the jump, this is what i have ordered..
« on: May 17, 2009, 05:16:32 pm »
I just have one other (potentially) stupid question at this stage, do i need 2 NIC if i am planning on using wifi to connect to my router and the onboard nic to run the MCE network?  I cannot see any reason for a second NIC if i access the internet via wifi, but i might have missed something!

I run one wireless NIC and on gigabit NIC.   it takes some manual configuration to get it to work though

on my alpha install that i installed a couple weeks ago, usbuirt and my MCV zwave stick isnt recognized.  On previous alpha tries usbuirt and intermatic ha22 didnt work.
i just wrote these items off as being an alpha release and byt time it gets to beta, if it still didnt work ( which is when all installed features should be mostly working as most release cycles go) I would speak up. 

Installation issues / Re: Wireless NIC for external interface
« on: February 11, 2009, 05:09:11 am »

use wlan0 instead of eth0  and  eth0 instead of eth1  I use this method

Developers / Re: Calling all UI Designers for new Basic Skin
« on: January 06, 2009, 04:23:55 am »
Right, I realize it's possible, but since scenarios are automatically and user generated, we can't predict how many or even what scenarios will be there for everyone so shouldn't the default be generic with the option to upload an icon?  My experience with LMCE has shown that it's behavior works this way but we see text not fitting on buttons because it's been skinned with icons in mind rather than the auto-generated scenarios with text, etc.

that is the default. i think we see text not fitting on buttons because the text isnt generated with button sizing in mind. either way its the same problem just sated a different way.

for scenarios i would say use text, but with the option that if icons are uploaded for the non typical scenarios overlay the text. where as the basic scenarios icons can be provided.

Developers / Re: Calling all UI Designers for new Basic Skin
« on: January 05, 2009, 03:45:10 pm »
It just occurred to me that a huge problem with making a graphically appealing skin is that scenarios generated will not have icons, they will show up as text labels on buttons.  This brings me back to my layout posted on the first's the only feasible way to accomodate and accounts for an unlimited number of scenarios...

I upload images for my scenarios via web admin. I like that feature just wish the pics were beiiger on smaller orbiters

Developers / Re: Calling all UI Designers for new Basic Skin
« on: January 04, 2009, 08:34:10 pm »
Im not good with graphics, so here is the start of my concept.

First is the main screen. It provides buttons for the major catagories.

Media - static image uses goto screen to go to newly created media screen which shows all the dynamic buttons under that catagory
Lights - static image uses goto screen to go to newly created lights screen which shows all the dynamic buttons under that catagory
Phone - static image uses goto screen to go to newly created phone screen which shows all the dynamic buttons under that catagory
Climate - static image uses goto screen to go to newly created climate screen which shows all the dynamic buttons under that catagory
Security - static image uses goto screen to go to newly created security screen which shows all the dynamic buttons under that catagory
Adavnce - static image uses goto screen to got to screen with options that are not considered major catagory above, computing, power, adavnced options, etc

now playing moved to larger area, when you click, touch the now playing it takes you to remote for what is playing, or nowhere if no media playing.
room and user button possibly sleep button and clock also. Larger buttons make it easier to use for smaller stouch screen devices, imaginges intstead of the lettering i have will make the screen look better and smoother. adding the extra screen adds more clicks yes, but gives you the option to get more on the menu screens for the catagory as below.

example media menu.

has as many dynamic buttons as decided needed and more to go to similar screen with additional options as needed. dynamic buttons take you to media grid.
nowplaying functions same as main menu above.
room, user, sleep and clock as designated.

Thats a start to what is on my mind. using the correct sizing in HADesigner the same button images can be used, in a simple image replacement and not clutter you up on details of the button or look slapped together. Main buttons that use symbols and images (like the ones i pointed out) will make the main menu feel more consistant and easy to use.

planning and organizing prevents the ui from looking slapped together, not the images you use.

If that sounds like a start i will make a progession of more screens down the media line like the grid, remote, etc. If not, let me know and ill let it die for this thread.

Developers / Re: Calling all UI Designers for new Basic Skin
« on: January 04, 2009, 05:13:38 pm »
Phase 1, basic bitmap replacement. Try to make something more appealing that we can ship quickly.

Phase 2, re-think deficiencies in the layout of the basic skin, along with a new set of bitmaps to create a totally new Basic skin.

Phase 3.... ongoing.

We need to design for all of the variations currently in use:

* Normal Horizontal 3:4 (tablets and the like, aka UI1 in the OSD variety)
* PDA 4:3 (vertically oriented UI1 for portrait oriented PDAs)
* Mobile Phone (skin for mobile phone use)
* V2 Normal Horizontal 16:9 (aka UI2)
* SmallUI for Cisco 7970 - a variation of Normal Horizontal 3:4 for very small displays.


Thom, I can understand your desire for step one, but I feel that unless the bitmap replacements are going to be used in step two, you are losing some effort. I do agree that all variants could should be redone, but I would think you would want to figure out the most used variant and start from there.

I liked the simplified main screen with sub screens for media and security etc. The same buttons could be used for a current ui1 remodel and the new layout.





can be achieved with the same images,

Installation issues / Re: LMCE not detecting any shares, smb or nfs
« on: January 03, 2009, 09:46:21 am »
You probably have to allow the device to be discovered from web admin. I can't tell you exactly where it is off hand, but it one of the menus up top for devices

Developers / Re: HA Designer Skins folder?!?
« on: January 03, 2009, 09:42:16 am »
if you watched thoms screencasts, he explains how to link it to the public share. /usr/pluto/orbiters/skins

Installation issues / Re: LMCE not detecting any shares, smb or nfs
« on: January 03, 2009, 01:59:08 am »
All else fails remove the device and try again

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