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Topics - SumTuusDeus

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Installation issues / WOW noob in the house.....
« on: January 04, 2008, 10:25:22 am »
I have "played" with linux for only about 6 months now, and by play I mean I have installed it, ewwwwed and awwwwwed at it. But to be honest, I really don't know how to really use it. I am a complete and total noob to linux.
I saw a video of linux mce when it came out in august and my mouth dropped, so ever since I have tried on and off to get it to work with no real results. The DVD installer doesn't seem to work, my screen goes blank, and when I try to use the two disks I get this the error message I have attached as a screen shot...
I have read and read and read, and a good portion of what I read either doesn't work or I don't understand it...
Again I am sorry for this trouble... I just want an amazing media center for my house.... Even if I just have it work with. Maybe it is my processor... if it is, I believe I will cry. lol

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