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Messages - garg_art2002

Pages: 1 [2]
Installation issues / Re: ASUS P5N7A-VM - Install Issues BusyBox Prompt
« on: January 28, 2009, 10:45:52 am »
What you need to do is go into the bios and change SATA mode select under Storage Configuration to AHCI mode. Then when the installer comes up, before hitting 1 to start installation, hit F6 and type "all_generic_ide" (without quotes). That should do it. Now if you can get HDMI sound to work let me know.

Hi there
I am using ASUS M3N78 board and was getting the same error initramfs prompt. since I am not using any sata drive, I have left the sata operations to IDE on the bios and did the F6 all_generic_ide

And it appears to have worked.

Installation issues / Re: Asus motherboard "M3N78-EMH HDMI"
« on: January 23, 2009, 09:20:05 am »

Did you try the LinuxMCE-0710 DVD installer? Its unclear from your post.

You could also try download the 810 Intrepid LiveCD and see if the CD will boot as a test.

All the best


Hi there - I noticed on the it says upgrade kernel to 8.10.  Are there simple instructions on how to do that?

Thanks much.

Users / Re: Adding a second HDD
« on: October 28, 2008, 12:44:22 am »

Pretty much, except for the "modify /etc/fstab" part.  If the drive is partitioned and formatted (but not mounted) lmce will find it sooner or later and ask you a few questions, normally that's all that needs to be done.

Do you see any problem in using a combination. Like one HDD being a subdirectory mounted under public>data>videos>family

and the second one left unmounted (this one has tagged media unlike the family directory).

Greatly appreciate your help.

Best Regards

Installation issues / Re: Ideal 0710 RC2 Installation with multiple HDD
« on: October 28, 2008, 12:37:03 am »
You need to tag things appropriately. Our media system is built on it.


I will surely do that - but to get started, what trouble do you see in this set up. Please give me some latitude till I am able to Tag all historic media, we have created, over time.

Best Regards
Anil Garg

Installation issues / Re: Ideal 0710 RC2 Installation with multiple HDD
« on: October 27, 2008, 06:05:40 pm »
and why are you relying on filename sort? if things are properly tagged, you won't need it.

Hi Thom

I understand. The puritan in me also would like that way. But we have mixed media types and we are multi-linguals and enjoy all kinds of stuff.  Not every thing is tagged as well. Specially the amateur stuff and its just easier for now to follow this.

filename based access lets me go to Video >> Directory spanish >> directory dances >> pick any of the mp4/flv files that are stored there.

We will not use the filename based access under other circumstances but feel that this "use case" shown above is powerful enough. In fact I am thinking of making this a feature recommendation as in the mixed media world some will be tagged and some will not be.

I am not sure what you mean by storage radar and how it works. Do u have a URL for me to read ...?

Also I will be obliged, if you could point me to a few risks or problems with this approach.

Much appreciate it.

Installation issues / Ideal 0710 RC2 Installation with multiple HDD
« on: October 27, 2008, 01:26:32 am »
Hello Folks

I have a linuxmce on 704 and absolutely love it.  Now is the time to go for even bigger set up...

And, I don't use floor plans, security, phone, et al....

Just a plain but sexy HTPC.

Step 1:

Install LMCE 0710 RC2 on a 500GB HDD

configure all video and settings.

Test the set up to be able to play DVD and DVD Ripping etc...

Remove firewall as this HTPC is sitting behind a powerful firewall anyway.

Step 2:

Add 3 addition 500GB drives.
Using Live KBUNTU CD, format each one of them with EXT3 partition and label them as either during format or afterward using e2label as

      a) english
      b) french
      c) spanish

Step 3:

Code: [Select]

mkdir /home/public/data/videos/spanish
chmod 777 /home/public/data/videos/spanish

mkdir /home/public/data/videos/english
chmod 777 /home/public/data/videos/english

mkdir /home/public/data/videos/french
chmod 777 /home/public/data/videos/french

nano /etc/fstab with following mods:

#     Modified over the stock LMCE Install
##  /dev/sdb1
UUID=b4c79dc1-a0f2-4272-8b88-a82322dd98e0 /home/public/data/videos/french     ext3    defaults,user_xattr 0       2     
##  /dev/sdc1
UUID=c3bec97e-9dfa-44d5-b9a6-0702af9e93bc /home/public/data/videos/spanish     ext3    defaults,user_xattr 0       2     
##  /dev/sdd1
UUID=12283edd-d0ab-4c78-b0c0-4c735e88136b /home/public/data/videos/english     ext3    defaults,user_xattr 0       2     


Step 4:

reboot and use.....

The reason I may find this useful, is that I can then select video and then select drill down into the directory I may have categorized various videos.

I am asking all your highly experienced folks, what problems do you see in this approach, even if this might be tad bit unconventional.

Also, will over time, any media that I may ftp into say /home/public/data/french directory, will it get cataloged into the database or will it need extra help?

Thanks for reading this post and for your comments.

Users / Re: Adding a second HDD
« on: October 26, 2008, 01:47:24 am »
What is the best way to add second/third HDD.  I first installed on one drive using DVD.

Then I booted it up and found everything working fine and dandy.

Now I have formatted another drive on another machine as EXT3 and filled it up with image of the DVD I own.

Now do I attach that to a IDE port and modify /etc/fstab or is there a more recommended method?


Users / Re: Using an External Firewall with linux mce.
« on: September 20, 2008, 09:28:39 pm »
Did you try opening all ports? At least then you would know if it was a port problem or something else entirely.

Hi there - My Linux MCE is behind the firewall. I would like to access the media on the machine, so that we can place our video on that.
Is there a recipe to fully disable the firewall?

My machine is a hybrid and has provision to connect to its storage from the second network card.  But that requires us to go to its room.  Since the machine is already behind the firewall, its under a trusted network.

This is an awesome product. Congrats to the creators of the product.

PS: I'd like to avoid disabling the DHCP in it for future potential use cases.  However it will always be behind the firewall.


I have my linux MCE set up behind a firewall which gives out the IP addresses in the series to all the machines.
I have my linuxmce as static IP of
Since I added large storage to the Linux MCE machine, for media, I wanted to switch off my regular NAS and reduce one machine.
It was all possible from behind the LINUX MCE machine but not from the subnet that issued gateway to the LINUX MCE itself.

Since I am a novice, it took me a while to figure out but I was able to is how...

Use the browser based access to LINUX MCE machine....
Go to Advanced >> Network >> Firewall rules

There is a small check box to disable firewall.. Click that save and now you can access the LINUX MCE using the static IP on its WAN side.

A word of CAUTION.....
   This machine is now very vulnerable to attacks and breach.  So please DO MAKE SURE that the LinuxMCE machine itself is behind a very good firewall.

Hope this helps people reduce one machine at their homes.


I have enough users right now, but USER CREATE and sync with samba will be next goal.

Good luck and love this product. Congrats to its creators.

Users / Re: Using an External Firewall with linux mce.
« on: September 20, 2008, 10:39:47 am »
Did you try opening all ports? At least then you would know if it was a port problem or something else entirely.

Hi there - My Linux MCE is behind the firewall. I would like to access the media on the machine, so that we can place our video on that.
Is there a recipe to fully disable the firewall?

My machine is a hybrid and has provision to connect to its storage from the second network card.  But that requires us to go to its room.  Since the machine is already behind the firewall, its under a trusted network.

This is an awesome product. Congrats to the creators of the product.

PS: I'd like to avoid disabling the DHCP in it for future potential use cases.  However it will always be behind the firewall.


Installation issues / Re: Divix/Divx
« on: November 13, 2007, 08:50:11 am »
Not sure about that. The file I was handed over was JDJ.divx and it asked that I install Divix player....

But after changing the file extension to avi, even ms windows player can play this file.

Installation issues / Re: Divix/Divx
« on: November 09, 2007, 10:46:27 am »
Thanks for your response.  I changed the file extension to AVI from DIVX and it now works.

Installation issues / Divix/Divx
« on: November 08, 2007, 05:05:36 pm »
I am a newb.  However love the way Linux MCE is working in my family room.  I installed using the dvd.

I can also see the dvd and video stored in public folders and am able to drop my avi files for replay later on.

My question is how to make the system play Divx files similarly.  Or simple way to convert these Divx files to AVI either on my laptop or the Linux MCE.


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