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Messages - djrobx

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The Panasonic commercial plasmas have RS232

Developers / Re: Working on PowerLinc USB, RCS TX15B Thermostat support
« on: September 19, 2007, 07:47:15 am »
This thread was helpful to me, I added my experience in trying to create a device to it as well.

Developers / Re: Working on PowerLinc USB, RCS TX15B Thermostat support
« on: September 17, 2007, 07:24:33 pm »
Change of plans, I will be implementing Ocelot support instead.  Reason?  My Powerlinc USB died.   ::)

Users / Re: HA Designer Manual
« on: September 14, 2007, 07:23:58 am »
HA = Home Automation most likely.

If you Ignore the error you can get to the configure option where you can see the ODBC connection string.   You need the mysql odbc connector, and also configure your LMCE mysql server to accept connections from outside.

Designer also needs skins from the LMCE machine.   Those come from a folder available on the LMCE machine (just copy them).  Sorry I don't remember offhand exactly where.

Users / Re: Help with specific setup
« on: September 12, 2007, 08:14:03 am »
I have a similar situation going.  I left windows running my array.  LinuxMCE can use Windows file shares.

Linux can read NTFS but not write to it reliably.

If your "server" is the only machine that's up 24/7 you can run LinuxMCE core under vmware on the server so it can still perform LinuxMCE server functions.  Just don't count on doing multimedia video on the core under VMWare.

Developers / Re: KDE on Diskless MD??
« on: September 10, 2007, 06:20:24 pm »
Darren, the way I took his question, he just wants to be able to run KDE desktop and OpenOffice like you can on the core/hybrid.  If that's the question, then it's do-able. 

Setting it up to use a multi-headed display output is also not supported out of the box, but should be do-able because, again, it's just an independent Linux system with its data files being stored on the core's hard drive.

Another possibility is using the system as a completely standard computer.  I'm not sure the functionality is working in LMCE, but Pluto had it at one point. There was a Reboot to Windows button on the Orbiter that temporarily disabled the PXE boot.  That would cause the system to fall back to booting its own local hard drive.


Developers / Re: Building from the source tarball
« on: September 10, 2007, 09:02:51 am »
Just wanted to add to this thread with a small issue I ran into trying to add a DCE device.  When I did GenDCE, it made me my new template, but I could not compile the DCE library because some new commands had been added to the database (I'm assuming post 0704, my machine downloaded an update) that were not in pluto_main.  The solution was to install sql2cpp and run that.   That causes it to recreate the headers in pluto_main.

Developers / Re: Working on PowerLinc USB, RCS TX15B Thermostat support
« on: September 10, 2007, 07:52:23 am »
That's interesting, I wasn't able to find device support for that RCS anywhere in the source.

Maybe it was a version 1 thing?

I somehow don't think that info is accurate.  The only X10 support I see at all is the CM11A.  The CM11A code only has a small bit of support for receiving of X10 events.    In fact, how CM11A handles received events demonstrates exactly what I feel is a problem with Pluto's current x10 support.  There's too much "higher level" logic going on, its mapping events back to their LCME devices and firing "Sensor tripped" events.   We should be able to implement a driver that strictly sends and receives native X10 and let another layer in the framework support the various types of X10 devices that one might control via X10.   When you get into the various types of dimming wall switches and scenario setups, there's really quite a lot of logic that should not have to be re-done on a per-controller basis.

If I had to wager a guess, I'd say Pluto was rightfully focusing on newer, better technologies like Z-wave for automation.  But in the spirit of hobbyist projects I think X10 support shouldn't be overlooked.   In about 20 minutes I was able to install Homeseer on a windows box and get it controlling my Powerlinc USB, my RCS thermostat and all my lights.   Homeseer is just too "beta" feeling for me to want to pay their ridiculously high prices when I can contribute my time towrds LinuxMCE.

Thanks for the info regarding the Z-wave thermostat.  If I can track down which commands & events its using that will be helpful.   There's an aprilaire interface I was looking at but it seems incomplete.

As for what I'm doing Project Wish is pretty easy to integrate.  I'm more concerned with how to implement it in a way that's "friendly" to say, your Powerlinc V2 interface if/when you add X10 support to it.   It doesn't look like Wish supports V2, and it doesn't look like iLink supports V1.   Both Powerlincs use HID (and in fact, even have the same errata under Windows XP, breaking DirectInput support).   So while I'm sure there was some opportunity for an integrated driver solution, we seem to be better off using different low layer approaches.

-- Rob

Developers / Re: KDE on Diskless MD??
« on: September 10, 2007, 02:10:04 am »
The "diskless MDs" are fully independent Linux installations.   The only real distinction is that they boot from PXE and do all of their file I/O over the network.  Once booted you can ssh to them, install packages, etc. 

It's nothing like Microsoft's "thin client" solution that they use for Media Center Extenders, which based on Remote Desktop. 

Installation issues / Re: v0704 install fails on VMWare 6
« on: September 10, 2007, 01:45:43 am »
I installed the 0704 DVD ISO under VMWare 6 (Vista host).   Mounted the ISO to VMWare's virtual drive (did not physically burn it).   Seems to work very well with UI1.

Developers / Working on PowerLinc USB, RCS TX15B Thermostat support
« on: September 09, 2007, 11:10:32 pm »
I have a PowerLinc USB and an RCS TX15B Thermostat.   I am currently working on DCE modules to support these (no timeframe promises!).   The PowerLinc USB will be pretty easy with the WiSH project (works fine with LMCE's kernel, no patches or custom kernel were needed), and I've worked with Project Wish before.

I have created my new Device Template and have built my shell application with GenDCE and SQL2CPP.   That all seems to have gone fine.

I'm guessing the best way to implement the RCS thermostat is make a completely separate DCE device (maybe a DCERouter plugin, since it's purely a logic layer?), and to add "send raw x10" as well as a "register to receive X10 events" to the PowerLinc interface so the two can communicate, but at the same time allow other X10 interfaces (e.g. CM11A) to offer the same I/O path.   Does that make sense?

This is entirely for my own personal use but I will make the results available to LinuxMCE should they want to include it in the project.  Mostly posting this to get design pointers from the LMCE team if I'm on the right track with the RCS implementation, and/or to avoid duplication with someone else working on the same thing.

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