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Messages - jimmejames

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is it something simple like your libdvdcss2 isn't installed?

Users / Re: Webdt 366 cradle pinout
« on: May 08, 2009, 05:52:50 am »
OK,  this took a stupid amount of time, but hopefully someone will find it useful.  I would encourage someone else to verify these results- especially pins "U3" and "U4" which I could not determine the pins to which they connect.

Users / Re: Webdt 366 cradle pinout
« on: May 07, 2009, 10:26:12 pm »
Someone else recently posted a question about pinouts and it looks like you didn't get your question answered- at least based on the responses.  I will do what I can to get a pinout posted here by tomorrow night (5-8-09).  There are clear plastic plate holders (with a metal bar to hold the plate at a desired angle) that seem to be made for the webdts.  I'll ask the GF where she got them and put that here too.  These are great because they look good, hold the plate securely (the metal bar is the right height that the bar rests in the corner formed by the back of the webdt and the backup battery- at least at the desired angle for me).

Developers / Re: 0810 alpha 2 no /usr/pluto/diskless
« on: May 05, 2009, 12:51:46 am »
I just updated to the latest alpha on a MD ( that used to require me to copy over the file as covered in the wiki (

I am currently going through the AV Wizard having simply turned on the MD- no hacking, no busybox errors, nothing- install has been flawless.  This box has a nVidia video card (using a PCI-e one because I needed s-video out) and the core (M3A78-EM) has an ATI video card- incase someone was wondering about mixing video card manufacturers.

Also just added a WebDT 366- installation was smooth as it was in 710.  There maybe an issue in that I am confident that I selected the Family Room as the location and when it generated the scenario it generated for the master bedroom; as that this is the wrong forum for this, I will leave it at that and post again when I install the WebDTs if I experience the same.

I still have a HDD with 710 installed on it where the MCV z-wave stick was controlling the lights- I put 810 on a new harddrive.  Just a matter of reinstalling the pci-e video card and moving the ide cable.  Are their any files from my setup that I can provide that would help?

I'm not pushing for a fix- just offering another test box.  I put the nas on a separate network so the GF has her music and my LMCE setup can be completely dedicated to testing.

Surely somebody else has to have done a fresh install using the 0810 scripts and come up against this?

As of tonight (May 3) I am running the latest alpha build and am getting a "failed to start" error after trying to manually add the MCV z-wave dongle (template 1754) to the core/hybrid- the device was not automatically detected.  (I'm using this controller: I hate to waste time on the IRC for what could be a simple issue- so if someone has something they would like me to try let me know.  I'm running 10x HA20 in-wall dimmers and a HA07 master controller FWIW.


Installation issues / Re: Upgrade Kernel or Install 810?
« on: May 02, 2009, 05:26:45 pm »
(I have the ASUS M3N78-EM).

I don't think the two have the same integrated items- I, like Seth, have a M3A78-EM, not a M3N78-EM.  Just an FYI that the NIC may require different files to work...  my M3A78-EM's NIC works out of the box with 810- but remember it's still in alpha.

Users / Re: gPXE - PXE booting without a PXE boot ROM
« on: May 02, 2009, 07:38:37 am »
I don't have much to add to this thread, other than when I was using a SOYO motherboard, I had to use a rom-o-matic bootdisk to get the nic to pxe boot:

Well,  810 is amazing- great job devs.

The onboard ATI Radeon HD 3200 works out of the box.  I ran through the installation as described here: really just installed kubuntu 810, ran aptitude update and aptitude dist-upgrade.  After the reboot I activated the only listed ATI drivers and proceeded to install LMCE 810- the latest alpha.

I'm exporting the video to a 52" rear projection Panasonic tv via a DVI port.  This tv's manual specifically says that the DVI is not for connecting a tv.  I have a refresh rate issue trying to use UI2 with overlay.  I think this is because the tv only displays a picture at 65Hz- maybe with a different tv the overlay would work.  With UI2 and no overlay the UI is very responsive- like I experienced with 710 and an 8500GT.

I'm in the process of converting over the whole house and will try to update as I experience.

BTW- I'm using the 32bit version, M3A78-EM, 4gb of ram, and a AMD AM2+ 4000 cpu.

I had trouble with a busy box error when trying to install kubuntu with a pata hdd and cd/dvd drive on the same cable-  this question was asked in another threat.  I didn't play with it at all, in instead connected a sata optical drive and used that to install.  Probably coincidence that it worked, but maybe worth noting for anyone else that experiences this- although again, this has been discussed previously.

Developers / Re: Development: Supporting Gyration Media Center Remotes
« on: April 18, 2009, 07:13:49 am »
For anyone curious, I purchased the remote Thom is configuring for at the now defunct Circuit City approximately 2 years ago.  It was a 30 something dollar remote at the time....   there is nothing special about it- your standard off the shelf model.

Users / Re: N810...
« on: April 17, 2009, 04:59:15 am »
I just pulled mine out to check...  been using the dt366's almost exclusively.  Really only use the 810 on the porch.

I haven't had a MD with UI1 where I used the interface on the MD itself- I've defaulted to an orbiter, so I don't know how responsive a MD is to inputs, but I have been exceptionally impressed with the responsiveness of the win orbiter.  It seems that as soon as I release the mouse click the next page pops up and is populated right away (802.11g network).

The 810 is close to this- I would estimate 1/4 to 1/2 a second after touching the screen for the next page to display.  Selecting an artist adds another 1/4 second to the time (maybe 3/4 a second to display an artist's list of albums).  From the 810's home screen to a ready-to-use LinuxMCE UI1 screen takes about 12 seconds (using the second hand on my watch).  Some of this delay could be from the network- my nas is on my external network (ducks head waiting for "why do people keep doing this")

There is a button that I assume is supposed to have the same effect as alt+tab if you press it once, or the "show desktop" button if you hold it down.  This is a quick and easy way to get back to the OS's home screen.  Unfortunately, holding the button down or even just pressing it always results in the error  "LinuxMCE Orbiter is not responding.  Close application?"  

When starting the orbiter program there is a setup screen that you have to click through.  It is not intrusive, and is the same screen that you use to tell the 810 where your core is located (by IP) and what your orbiter id is.  I can't remember off hand, but I think you have to configure the orbiter in LinuxMCE ahead of time, the setup is not like that of a win orbiter or a 366.  It's not hard and only required the first time you connect the 810 to your setup.

I do not find the buttons too small to use with my pointer finger.  

Users / Re: N810...
« on: April 16, 2009, 09:13:06 pm »
It's an app/program that you run.  It installs on top of the OS, not instead of the OS so you can close the orbiter if you so choose.

Thank you guys so much for your contributions, as soon as I get the hardware, I will start working on this immediately.

I will start another thread for posting status.


The remote (and usb receiver) has been shipped via UPS.  Thom, I will PM you the tracking number as soon as it shows up in the system.

I have a second one of these (currently the GF uses it with WinMCE) and am running 710 on my core, but have a second box setup running one of the 810 alphas and can test compatibility/functionality on this second remote when you get closer to that stage.

Thanks again for doing this-

I have $50 and a GYR3101US that I will contribute to the cause... my money has been transferred to the before mentioned account.

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