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Messages - bort

Pages: [1]
Users / 0710 release date clarification
« on: April 30, 2008, 08:27:26 pm »
The RC1 post on the front page reads: "On April 25th we will go ahead and release it and have it mastered to DVD unless anybody finds any significant problems with it." Should I parse this as

"0710 RC1 was released on April 25th, and 0710 Final will be released at some indefinite point in the future"


"0710 RC1 was released on April 23rd, and 0710 Final was expected to be (but wasn't, apparently) released on April 25th"

and, if the latter is correct, is there any word on a new release date for 0710 Final? (I noticed that the release candidate's "known issues" page is empty.)


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