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Messages - tokabowla

Pages: [1]
It's an old MB, so only PCI, not PCI-E.  There was no way to actually disable the on-board, only set priority between the 2.  I bricked it anyway flashing the BIOS, but thanks for the responce. 

Installation issues / Re: [Solved]LinuxMCE load fails (Dcerouter login:)
« on: October 10, 2007, 10:52:58 pm »
I have the best luck  ::).  Before I read the last responce, I d/l the latest BIOS for this shity MoBo, ran the installer.  Guess what?  BRICKED!  It won't boot to anything now!  PHUK!  I'm just gonna buy a new (and 100% compatible MoBo).  Just got a sweet htpc case from the garbage @ work too.  Thanks for your help all. 

Installation issues / Re: [Solved]LinuxMCE load fails (Dcerouter login:)
« on: October 08, 2007, 08:11:13 pm »
I will try to update the BIOS, but as this version of it stands, there's no way to truly "disable" the on-board video.  It's a very sparse BIOS.  Older PC. 
BTW, so I break down & install Vista Home Premium to Use that Media Center, and THE NVIDIA DRIVERS ONLY SUPPORT 1024X768!  I have a 27" widescreen LCD, so this is unacceptable.  AND, my old XP MCE 2k5 install plays the video like shit through the new card. 

Installation issues / Re: [Solved]LinuxMCE load fails (Dcerouter login:)
« on: October 08, 2007, 01:36:27 am »
Thanks for the reply Andrew.  Sadly, no.  I'm still having the issue.  The issue w/ the DVD quickinstall being an image of another system answers some questions.  But I can't use the Kubuntu Live cd to install.  It just freezes & I can't even pull up another terminal using alt+Fn keys.  All I get is blackness.   ???
So, I'm left with trying to reconfig xorg.conf before I run the AVwizard.  I've googled around all damn day, and every answer is "disable the on-board in the BIOS"!  DAMNIT I DID ALREADY!  lol.
Could you (or anyone else) give me some tips on how I'd do this?  I'll try simply selecting the vesa driver first so the xserver will stop crashing, then install the proper Nvidia driver using Envy (seems to be the best way of getting Nvidia drivers installed) 

Ok, logged in, ran
Code: [Select]
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorgSet it to autodetect video hardware.  Guess what it detected?  I810!!! Motherfu...
I set it to use the "nvidia" driver, not the open-source "nv" driver.  Next page:
Identifier "Intel bla bla bla"  Wow.  It's really not getting it!  I'm going to set it to "NVIDIA GeForce 6200"
The Bus Identifier claims "PCI:0:2:0"  That's not what my onboard video would detect as right?

Didn't work.  Still f'n flashing the dcerouter login.

Tried using the vesa driver w/ no love.  Found out I'm using a  P4G533-LA MB, if that helps.  I move the Nvidia card to a different PCI slot, and it's still autodetecting "PCI:0:2:0", so now I KNOW that even though the BIOS claims to be using the PCI as the primary video device, it isn't disabling the onboard video.  Motherfu...
Just so I can prove I'm not crazy, here's a pic of the setting.

Installation issues / Re: [Solved]LinuxMCE load fails (Dcerouter login:)
« on: October 08, 2007, 12:11:25 am »
Guess I wasn't clear enought, but that's exactly what I did from the start. 
My BIOS is set for "PCI" as the primary video device, but LinuxMCE is using the PCI card, but detecting my on-board card, and setting xorg.conf to use the on-board's drivers on the PCI card.  I plugged in my VGA cable into the on-board, and sure enough, it's not even functioning.
The option in my BIOS is "Primary Video Device".  I have 2 choices, "On-board Graphics", or "PCI".  I can't "disable" the on-board, only choose one or the other (and I'm assuming it is in fact disabled since when I plugged in the vga cable & there's no output) .  LMCE is detecting my on-board video card, but the BIOS outputs only the the PCI card like it's set to. 
Is there a way of manually inserting the correct driver settings in xorg.conf before the avwizard starts (during the dcerouter login/xserver crash loop)?  I'm trying to use a Nvidia GeForce 6200 oc PCI card.  Why isn't the initial installer following the BIOS' "lead" and detecting the "primary video device" it's telling it that it's using? 
Also, I've been using the VGA output the whole time.

I've tried installing LMCE using the Quickinstall DVD & installing Kubutnu first, then using the 2-cd method, but I'm having serious issues.  Both installers keep detecting my crappy on-board video card (intel 828XX which is disabled in my BIOS) and trying to run the i810 driver on my Nvidia Geforce 6200oc card!  I can't even get to the avwizard, or boot to the kubuntu live-cd.  What could be causing this?  Again, in my BIOS I've set my primary display device to "PCI" instead of "On-board video".  I plug my VGA cable into the on-board, and it's not being used, but both the Quickinstall DVD & Kubuntu "see" this as the video card, & try to use it on my Nvidia card, causeing X to crash (of course).  I've tried changing xorg.conf to use the correct Nvidia driver, but this only partialy works, and the display is never configured right.  HELP!
I'll let you know any info you need.

Installation issues / Re: [Solved]LinuxMCE load fails (Dcerouter login:)
« on: October 07, 2007, 06:23:29 pm »
I am having the same problem as well.  I used the quick-install DVD.  At first boot, I get the dcerouter login screen that flashes from a blank screen to the login.

Here's an important question for everybody:  Does this MB that everyone is talking about have an on-board video card?
This is my problem!  During the initial install, it's detecting my on-board P.O.S. Intel vid card, then assigning the driver for it to my new Nvidia Geforce 6200 OC PCI card!  I looked in my xorg.conf and found that it's trying to use the "i810" driver on my nvidia card.  This ofcourse causes X to repeatedly crash (the flashing dcerouter login prompt). 

My BIOS is set for "PCI" as the primary video device, but LinuxMCE is using the PCI card, but detecting my on-board card, and setting xorg.conf to use the on-board's drivers on the PCI card.  I plugged in my VGA cable into the on-board, and sure enough, it's not even functioning.  So why the hell is it doing this???

I've used the trick of replacing xorg.conf w/ xorg.conf.pluto.avwizard.  This will load the wizard, but after trying to select a resolution, it tries to change the resolution immediately, and just reverts back to the crashing X/dcerouter login. 
After I pick a resolution, and the flashing login reappears, I went into xorg.conf & changed the driver from "i810" to "nv", this allows me to finish the avwizard, but the resolution is never correct (I suspect because I'm not changing the video card settings to the completely, only the driver it's using).  I tried to change the driver entry to "nv" BEFORE starting the av wizard, but it doesn't work.

So the big question is, why is LinuxMCE assigning my PCI video card the deactivated on-board video card's drivers during the initial install setup?  And what can I do to xorg.conf to get everything working correctly before i even start the avwizard?

Thanks for your help! 

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