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Topics - microbrain

Pages: [1]
Users / FreePbx
« on: October 14, 2012, 07:48:42 pm »
I downloaded the stable addition of 8.10 and installed it on a test box to try and get a grip on an actual working LMCE. In playing with it I noticed that FreePBX was a part of that version. I know that I can download and install FreePBX but I'm not sure if the current version of FreePBX is what works with 8.10 or 10.04-26551. Is there a script, add-on a known way that I can install FreePBX on 26551 of 10.04 and where would I need to change the link in LMCE admin page to get to FreePBX once I install it? Maybe someone has install it on 10.04 and would like to post how they did it. I read in some other posts that it was removed due to people not familiar with FreePBX making changes that caused breaking LMCE.

I would like to take advantage of additional options within the Asterisk PBX that are not accessible within LMCE.



Users / Encore PCI Tuner Cards
« on: October 14, 2012, 02:01:23 am »
Would like to know if anyone was able to install and set up this card "Encore ENLTV-FM3" and maybe what you did to get it to work.

I see it's Phillips chip listed when I do a lspci and have tried to do a modprobe card number change but I keep getting "Modprobe command not found".

I'm sure it is something I'm doing wrong.



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