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Topics - chemdtn687

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Users / Reading, Reading, Reading, Copying, Printing,.... RECONSIDERING
« on: December 18, 2010, 08:34:11 am »
Hello All

So I have got my 810 install up and running. Did some testing. All of the media that is installed looks to be working fine. yea for me!
BUT... After some tiring clicking and reading... it seems that my honywell panels and 2414U insteon controller is pretty much a wast of time since I have neither the time, or current programming skill set to make these systems work.


Option 2. Buy New Systems and use old stuff for door stop. ::)

Option 3. Ask for advice concerning installation in US.

For now I will take option 3.

I have been Looking at the HAI setups since before I discovered LMCE.  Read that it has some really good support right now..
I have allso looked at the Elk M1 system.. but have found little support documentation.
Or should I just get a PLM and a ??? alarm panel?

Please help if any one has some constructive advice, or criticism.

Users / MCE 8.10 Network Shares on External Lan ?
« on: December 14, 2010, 05:00:40 pm »
Dose anyone have suggestions as to setting up external lan bridge in order to see network shares?
I just got my 8.10 install up and am starting the process of config.  Hopefully the config will be similar to 710 as far as working well with my equipment. "I have been blessed so far in that regards.. Only slight issues". I never bothered to try to integrate the two networks last time but if I am going to permanently set up this install in my house then I need to address this issue now before I get into peripheral setup.

Just a snapshot of what I currently have

Ubuntu 10.04 lts set up as server
   amd64 install with x86 processor
   dhcp server -- points to cisco vpn router as gateway.
   ssh server                                                                         NETWORK A
   samba server
   cups server
   hdb1 -- dedicated disk for network shares and storage.
   Ltsp server

cisco vpn router & firewall
   Points to cable modem as gateway
   Hooks to wireless g router as access point
   hooks to Motorola routers (2) for clients in house ( ltsp diskless clients and Ubuntu 10 Desktops)

Windows xp box with amd processor
    eth0 to Motorola router
    Has Smarthome 2414u hooked up

Dell Laptop - Ubuntu 10.04 amd64 install with x86 processor

Dell Laptop - Ubuntu 10.04 amd 64 install with x86 Processor  -- connects with SSH vpn through dialup

Linuxmce core/hybrid
    eth0 Hooks to motorola router w/802.11g
    ipod touch for orbiter
    eth1 to network A -- set in autoconfig dhcp
using old dell laptop mainbord for Media director                              NETWORK B

using old gateway mainbord for media dirrector
This is a basic topology of the main components of my setup.. as you can see I have one prevelant issue... LTSP and MCE playing pretty with each other.. As I have in the past messed up my LTSP config by accidentally hooked the wrong cat 6 connect into the wrong router at the attic patch panel while labeling and boom down goes TFT boot. :) ... MCE surprisingly had no ill effect, but the Motorola routers have a weird quirk when it comes to having contact with conflicting Net-masks and you better have a saved config backup or you will be stuck reconfiguring the router from the ground up. It actually took me a while to repair my LTSP configuration... Not sure Why what happened did, other than the conflict was between the 2 DHCP servers running into each other with different net-masks.

I would not be totally opposed to running a NAS server... but then again, my money tree is looking kind of bear these days, and I still would rather have these networks be able to share storage.Uniform Administrative access through SSH is as well a necessity.

peripherals yet to be hooked into MCE system
allinco 10P alarm system
x-10 and insteon controls
pvr card  -------------

I know this will not be a overnighter.... :(

I would allso like to say that I have read deeper into these forums and have got to say that I am no longer frustated with this or the wiki documentation as I really had no Idea that there were so few people involved in the Development side.  YOU GUYS KICK ASS!!!!  This project is a Monsterous undertaking.  I do not think the general lot of the people who are complaining understand that this project IS NOT a Marketed Software package!!! It is a Massive undertaking with amazing potential that there is no comparison to unless you want to spend $10 to $15 THOUSAND US Dollars for a basic version of a supported Whole House Automation Suite... and even those systems only support whatever they have been tailored too.  Most of these systems I describe are directly developed and customized into fairly stable system packages from the same projects that MCE is as well built from. A lot of the software components of the Marketed packages will still be in open-source form despite the fact that you paid for it. 
Have you ever called Microsoft and been told " We do not support that software" or " Hardware "
Same deal.
At least in this system I can save some money and learn something new... and if I just so happen to succeed..... What a system it will be.

I have showed an operational 710 system to many of my friends and relatives and never failed to IMPRESS.


John Middleton

Users / Insteon PLC 2414u support???
« on: December 13, 2010, 07:06:51 pm »
Hello... I am new to this forum but over the last year I have have had great success with 7.04 installations but am now trying to set up a 8.04 install.  The only one downfall is that I have not seen any progress with the Insteon support that was supposed to be included with 8.04.  I would like to use the 2414u but have seen little documentation about it..

My question to all is " IS THERE ANY WORKING CODE OUT THERE FOR THE 2414???"  If not then I will have to live with that and go to the more pricey and yet less available Z-Wave setup... I am a Ham Radio operator KI4LXF, and do not really want stray transmissions around.  I try to limit them as much as possible. I really like the idea of insteon... but the plm and x10 is sooo outdated.

Any suggestions out there for other supported equipment would be great.

Thank you all very much for your time and patients.
And Happy holidays to all!!

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