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Topics - stefan

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Developers / ZWave stack fixes
« on: July 17, 2013, 03:19:23 pm »

Where should suggested fixes be sent? I made the following updates:
- fixed logic to not overwrite the setpoint in the State string with basic reports
- added functionality for more setpoint types (e.g. economy heat, economy cool)
- added polling of thermostats for the setpoint and mode
- added support for floating point setpoints reported by thermostats
- made the code a bit more legible by defining constants for the setpoint types

I can send the delta of the code to whoever needs it.



I installed the web orbiter and the proxy orbiter as per instructions by creating the devices under CORE. I can use the orbiter with the roamingorb app on the iPhone, but when accessing with a web browser, only the bottom buttons show up. I tried with both the Sept 09, 2012 and Aug 20, 2012 snapshots and same problem. It works fine with 810.

Anyone else experiencing similar issues?


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