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Topics - Donald

Pages: [1]
Marketplace / Fiire Chief remote $125 shipped
« on: March 24, 2009, 10:27:20 pm »
Fiire chief remote for sale as the topic states. Barely used and in great condition. will sell for $125 including shipping.
also comes with 1 USB dongle and the instruction manual.
Please PM with offers.

Marketplace / Selling my Webpad DT366
« on: March 05, 2009, 06:02:45 am »
Due to some unfortunate financial circumstances I must sell some extra goodies that I have laying around the house and the first victims are my Webpad 366's I will be selling two of these that I have been using, they both work great and I have no complaints. They come with the powercord and the clip on battery pack and currently are running Thoms orbiter image.
I am in a hurry to make a deal so I will let them go for $200 shipped anywhere in the U.S. This is much less than I paid for them so someone will get a great deal.
Please PM me if you are interested or have any questions.

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