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Topics - romile

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Users / USB HDDs change device names upon restart
« on: April 20, 2008, 06:08:37 am »

I've been playing with LinuxMCE for over a week now, and I am generally very impressed. Here is the problem that I am having:

I have 3 external USB HDDs of various capacities holding my media (in linuxMce directory structure). Upon install I am prompted to use the drives. My drives are added to the device tree, and for e.g. they have the following block device names:


LiniuxMce scans my media, I am able to browse, play, etc. All is great, until I restart the core. Upon restart I am again prompted to add the same drives, as they are now present with different device names, for e.g.:


I can delete the old entries for the device tree, but it is just annoying having to rescan the whole collection. I am guessing as kubuntu changes the device names for the USB drives, the mount script (btw. which one is it?) does not identify the disks correctly.

Has anyone had this issue? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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