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Topics - Lehto

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Users / Just a black screen when I boot up...
« on: January 31, 2008, 04:01:54 pm »

I'm running LinuxMCE with kubuntu (DVD Installation package with both kubuntu and LinuxMCE.)
For about two days ago I finally got the TV and all stuff to work.
And was going to start LinuxMCE I pressed the icon and nothing happend...
So I decided to reboot the computer (shouldn't have done that...) then it started to boot normally but after the kubuntu loading screen the LinuxMCE core is trying to start, but somehow it doesn't I let it be on over a night to see if something happend but it is at 0% all the time...
And I don't know how I can load only Kubuntu...? Before the linuxMCE core have started automaticly and then from there I can press "KDE Desktop" and then kubuntu is booting up.
I have tried to exit the LinuxMCE core start and then I just get a black scren and nothing happends...

I tried ctrl + alt + F1 and login and ran:

Code: [Select]
sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
and then:

Code: [Select]
sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start

Then I get the error message:

Lock Launch_manager (LM) Fail
LM already running

huh? what?

Plz help me to start my pc again, finally when I got all to work then I can't start it...



I'v got my NOVA-T-500 in warmstate by now and then it should work to now start watch tv?
But when I go to LinuxMcE or what it is called (atleast it looks like this: )
And then choose TV nothing happends... How can I make the card rdy so I just can press that TV buttom and then choose channel?

And then I have some question about a few things that I don't really understands...
What is Pluto?
What is MythTV?
What is LinuxMCE?
If someone can explain those a little more I would be happy.

Best regards Lehto

Installation issues / Problem with the installation of Hauppauge nova-t-500
« on: December 04, 2007, 05:13:37 pm »
Hello. THis is my first time I tryout Linux.

And I got some problems with some settings for my Hauppauge nova-t-500.
I have downloaded the DVD installation of LinuxMCE (0710) with kubuntu pre-installed.
I have followed this guide:
To install the driver and I have made it so far that the card is found in warm state wich means that it shall work by now?
anyway i continue to follow the guide and then it starts ask about the remote control
and the guide says like this:
Grey top, black bottom, 45 buttons, snowboard shape.

It gives output into
Code: [Select]
/dev/input/eventXwhere X is variable and depends on your system.

How do I know what number I shall use? when I browse /dev/input I see like 7 of those event (event0, event1, event2, event3, etc, etc)
So how do I know wichone to choose? Would be really glad for some help so I can continue...

Best regards Lehto

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