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Topics - jeff_rigby

Pages: [1]
Users / Abit AN-M2HD install using DVD or CD has problems
« on: July 10, 2008, 06:43:08 pm »
 ??? Just tried to install LinuxMCE 7.10 64 bit AMD DVD on a Abit AN-M2HD with one on board gigabit Lan port and a Gigabit Lan card.  The DVD install goes smoothy till one gets to the Add Software where nothing is listed.  Both the AV wizard and "When you can you see and here me" go well.  At the MCE creeen flicker is not running indicating that the network is not working.

When installing from CD all works properly including the AV wizard but there is no sound at "When you can see and hear me".  Movies and music have no sound in linux MCE.  Flicker works and both gigabit networks cards work properly.

Suggestions for getting the audio to work.

Users / Can't play DVD from Linux MCE on anything but core
« on: March 10, 2008, 08:23:24 pm »
Remote MDs can't play CSS DVDs previously ripped to core, all other DVDs and video files play.  All video files play on the core.

CSS library is installed on remote MD and I tried the restricted software installation guide and reinstalled.  During this my MD command line said I needed to install Deb helper and fakeroot.  Installed them and still will not play CSS DVDs stored on the core on any media director except core.

Linux MCE 710 beta4

Installation issues / w32codecs willl not install
« on: December 15, 2007, 01:10:48 pm »
In Add software you have the option of installing w32codecs which I believe allows the ripping of mucic CDs.  This will not install, you can choose it but the hourglass icon indicating that it is in the process of installing never goes away and CDs will not rip.

I recently did a fresh install of LinuxMCE 7.04. 12/14/07

Has the software been removed from the mirror, I chose the Georgia Tech mirror

Audio database fails.  The music file will show up for Linux but the database for MCE has no listing.  I believe this is caused by invalid characters in the CD Album title. (#.^) Linux doesn't care but the database appears to choke and then we get the "can't find self in maplock".  Once that happens I can't seem to get the database fixed.  My problem of course in not reading the documentation.

DVD database appears to be stable, just have the lookup errors.  It might suffer from the same problem, I may not have ripped a DVD with invalid characters yet.

Installation issues / LinuxMCE operation problems
« on: November 14, 2007, 01:28:07 pm »
Again I've found after multiple installs that the problem is my hardware.  MY DVD drive incorrectly reads at least three files.  I found this after I could not install Kubuntu from what was a working CD.  I did a check of CD (one of the menu options on the install disk) and it reported 3 files that could not be read. 

I burned a new disk and still had three files reported as bad.  When I installed a new drive the installation went perfectly.

As a novice with MCE I do not know when the problem is MCE, the hardware or my not understanding how it should work. 

My suggestion; check everything.  Do a checksum of the download and run the CD checker utility before you install.  Confirm every step of the way that you have a clean install disk. (The CD checker will also uncover a problem with your drive.)  :o

Feature requests & roadmap / Link to documentation
« on: November 10, 2007, 02:04:49 pm »
Linuxmce installs a network share to access the media files.  I would like a default file share that allows read only access to the documentation available in Linux mce.  I see it when I access the core but that means I have to be at the core. 

Feature requests & roadmap / minor bugs in linuxmce 7.04
« on: October 30, 2007, 01:03:09 pm »
The Linuxmce resolution and audio wizard does not work after MD is configured for DVI.  If you choose to run the wizard again to change resolution or size the desktop; upon reboot the screen will blank-come back and blank again without ever reaching the wizard.  When using a monitor attached to the VGA port you see the same thing.

Different problem;  IF you try to rip a CD with severe scratches your MD will lock.  This can be partially related to the hardware.  Partially an oversight on Linux (error handling).  Buss mastering hardware support can lock the computer if it is given too high a priority. (my guess) lookup for DVD information can get the wrong info because the title of the DVD is not supported properly by  If an exact match is not found MCE database needs to inform user to manually check this information (error handling).  Of 80 disks I ripped 6 had issues but caused 12 DVDs to have problems.   6 disappeared and 6 had wrong info and thumbnail picture.

If user manually edits the database for a DVD (Files and sync) that should be given priority and not changed back as the database again checks

Mentioned in other areas but Myth uses the desktop defaults not the ones chosen by the Linux MCE wizard.  The audio out path does not track what is chosen and used by MCE.

Files made public should have an option to keep others from deleting the file. I.E.  I rip a DVD and want it available on the home MDs but don't want my child or my technology impaired wife to have the ability to delete the DVD I ripped.

All in all I am finding that errors are usually my fault in not understanding LinuxMCE and how it works.  I'm impressed with the forethought and planning in this product.  I have been using/testing a system for about 45 days and am looking forward to the next release.  I expect to document my setup and can provide a users perspective in a linux MCE setup for the forum.

Users / Ripping CD Fails but DVDs still rip
« on: October 24, 2007, 04:14:40 am »
I believe the problem started when I inadvertantly turned the power off on the MD while it was ripping a music CD.  Since then Ripping CDs fails but ripping DVD still works. 

I assume I broke something but how to fix?

Linux MCE works properly and routes audio through the audio out selected using the AV wizard.  Myth TV only outputs through the computer audio out port. There is no audio out the optical or spdif port.  How do I setup Myth tv to output sound through the digital audio out port?


Since I have read that Linuxmce does not use memory over 1 gig could you perhaps use 500 meg of any additional memory as a RAM drive and automatically have myth TV use this drive instead of the HD for the 5 min FF-REW feature.  This would dramatically improve performance for the core when using mythTV and help many of those slower MD computers. 

I've noticed the problem that MythTV has with this feature on PCs running "Windows" with ATI ATSC tuners and the software for "Windows" that comes with this tuner.  It's not MythTV (software) but the speed of the HD that creates the problem. 

From what I have been able to figure out; 500 MEG will easily store 5 min of HD digital, maybe two 720p HD streams or 4 480p SD streams.

With the cost of RAM being about $20 for 512 meg DDR2 this makes sense economically.

Users / Guide does not work with comcast cable digital channels
« on: September 19, 2007, 01:15:49 pm »
Comcast does not use the features bulit into and accepted by the industry to make it easier for the consumers who do not have a cable box to know what industry accepted channel number I.E. 74-3 matches what channel in their guide (available only if you have a cable box).

This feature is called mapping.  ATSC channels currently do this.  For instance if the consumer locally is receiving analog channel 3 they will receive digital channel 3 on the FCC channel 54 but their TV will report this as 3-1 and the TV will report the analog channel as 3-0.  It's a simple matter to put a channel # in the digital stream that will be reported by our tuners, in fact any equipment with a QAM tuner (cable) or ATSC tuner (over the air) will properly do this.

Schedules direct publishes the channel numbers that comcast assigns and can be found in the comcast guide.  For the analog channels this works for us but for the digital channels it does not.  Our tuners for linuxmce report the correct RF channel and the comcast assigned subchannel number in the digital stream.  In the comcast guide a 74-3 that our tuner has reported is a channel 690 in the comcast guide. 

I see no easy way for schedules direct to fix this.  It would require a person to actually look at the channels and create a lookup table.  Comcast has changed their digital lineup at least every three months as they move around and add more digital channels.  They are in the process of creating new digital channels as they convert the analog lineup to digital.

It is not in their economic interest to make it easy for us to receive digital channels.  The cable industry is trying to get the FCC to allow them to scramble all digital channels.  So I don't think trying to get a cable company to do the right thing is the way to go in the short term. 

Long term, congress is going to subsidise set top boxes so logically they should have a say in this issue. 

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