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Topics - Crawtech

Pages: [1]
Developers / raspberry pi as a controller
« on: October 09, 2012, 03:48:40 am »
Hi Guys
I have a Raspberry pi version B connected to a I2c relay board and it it controlling  my Roller shutters and my Retic  and I would like to get linuxmce talking to the raspberry pi so linuxmce can control the  the relays and know the status as well like the relays on a gc100 but I am not sure were to start
there is so much that can be done with the raspberry pi
eg I all so   have it monitoring my solar system and battery's  with some INA219 senses boards from
anyway any help would be appreciated :)

Users / Web Orbitor 2.0
« on: October 24, 2010, 01:05:54 pm »
Hi All
Just setup Web Orbitor 2.0 on my system and I am have a problem every time I touch the screen I go strait to the lighting page
I had the same problem once before when I was using a Shuttle Touch Screen as a MD and it was doing the same thing
and i was told it was a bug and TSCHAK was working on a fix
any clues on how to get this sorted and has the bug been sorted ???



Users / Merry Christmas All
« on: December 25, 2008, 03:58:25 am »
Happy Christmas To All ;D

Users / Happauge Wintv-Nova-T-500
« on: June 24, 2008, 02:04:48 am »
Hi all
I am having some problems with my setup up i have a Hauppauge Wintv-Nova-T-500 install and i am using Mythtv all works fine most of the time but probably once a day i get no signal strength and myth can't get a channel lock
Now if i do a quick reload router all is fine again till next time which could be 1 day or two days but it will do it again
I have made some changes to /etc/modprobe/options this is what i have added

options dvb-usb-dib0700 force_lna_activation=1    (this option turns the LNA on)
options usbcore autosuspend=-1    (this option stops the card from going into standby)

Any help would be nice as this problem has been driving me mad

Users / MSI Media Live
« on: March 26, 2008, 02:16:52 am »
Hi all
I just brought my self a MSI Media Live and it works very well as a MD but i can not work out how to get the VFD working
Is it possable to get it working ??

Installation issues / Windows MCE Receiver Beta 4
« on: March 05, 2008, 04:23:35 am »
I have been trying for days to get my Windows MCE Receiver working and for the life of it want work
it is being found by linuxmce and is loading the right module for it mce_usb2
If i tail the system.log  it gets found as a Philips Ehome IR Receiver
But if i try to use the remote which is a mce remote that works on another MD fine this MD has a built in Receiver which is also found as a mce_usb2 device all works fine
But it want work with the  Philips Ehome IR Receiver

Any help would be good


Users / Gigabyte H663 VFD
« on: November 22, 2007, 02:00:01 am »
Hi All
I have a Gigabyte H663  and i am trying to work out what the VFD unit is in the front
Does any one know and if so will it work with linuxmce ??

Users / Foxtel Linuxmce
« on: November 09, 2007, 05:56:20 am »
Hi every one

I have been using linuxmce for about a month now and i am very happy and impressed with what it can do
i have every thing work fine but i cant get the s-video input working right for foxtel
I have tried it with A winfast DTV1000 T and a Compro Video Mate T220 and some other cards i had around
i can get the s-video or composite to work but the picture is very pixellated and sometimes Mythtv will crash
were am i going wrong ???

my setup is 
Intel E2140 CPU
MSI 945GCM5 Mainboard
2x 1GB 667 DDR-II Memory
2x Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-T-500 MCE
1x Winfast DTV1000 T at the moment
Video card GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM)
2x 300G sata drives

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