« on: November 11, 2007, 04:53:59 am »
come this sumer I would like to set up a media box. I am focusing right now on media stuff.
I plan on having a computer that all it is there for is to store images of my dvd's. now I plan on getting a blu-ray or hd-dvd player when I get my hdtv (around the same time).
my question is I can get slysoft anydvd hd as I like there product, Buddy of mine has a blu-ray burner/reader but so far have yet to find a hd-dvd, is there one? can I even play it with the new linux mce coming out?
now this hdcp I have been reading about, how if thing don't match it is basically dvd quality any way around this?
video card: ati or nvidia? memory size? I want 1080p can dvi candle it? I know about the hdmi-dvi cables.
1080p capture card?
one last thing I have bell expressvu can I get the guide some how that myth tv can control my receiver to record the show?