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Messages - sambadagio

Pages: [1]
Users / Re: Linux destroyer
« on: February 10, 2008, 07:23:42 pm »
Yes, I will take it as a lesson and yes I am yelling because I am pissed... ;-)

And it seems like also stupid, because I go to:
click on "Download instructions"
click on "Mirrors 0710 beta 3"
And then I did choose the DVD version, looked to me like the best choice...

So, no text about deleting the HD... But doesn't matter, I am already very happy, that you will add it to the next release. You will help saving some time to other users like me :-)

Users / Re: Linux destroyer
« on: February 10, 2008, 07:10:58 pm »
I disagree, there is no read me file on the DVD and yes, on the overloaded homepage I did find an install instruction link, but who is going to read it, if it should be so easy? Sorry mate, but every intelligent developer asks before it deletes the entire harddrive with all partitions on it. And if this 3 seconds check is too much for the developer, what about just say after listening all harddrives = Warning, your choice will wipe your HD, partitions, data everything without asking again?

Sorry but this is highly unprofessional...

Users / Linux destroyer
« on: February 10, 2008, 06:53:40 pm »
What a dumb did this install routine with just asking which harddrive and then starts the installation without any double check or whatever... Do you know the brand new technology called partitions? Hey, why do ask anyway? It would have been much easier to insert the DVD and install the data on the biggest harddrive, wouldn't it? Or even better, just take all harddrives just in case one crashes...

Hey, I do already regret it to even think of changing or trying once the linux version... One more good reason to buy Vista!!!

So, and now whish me luck to restore all my data which I just lost because yeah, linux is soooo easy to install... wtf...


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