I'm going to be building a system for my home, can anyone help me with a known working hardware list.
Before Thom rips me again to read the wiki, I have seen the hardware section. What I'm hoping for is user input on hardware they've used and that works well. 
If these discussions produce some real user feedback with real HW, please update the wiki Hardware article.
I just did a build and got it working (though I am not close to really testing it yet-playing video/music/recording live tv. All I have accomplished is an apparently successful install and ui2 with alpha blending) using the AN-M2HD (not using the onboard graphics--This is more of a challenge but possible) Nvidia 6200LE (make sure you turn off onboard graphics!

AMD 64 X2 4000+, 2GB of Corsair Ram, an abit airpace wilress card wlp-01 (a major pain to get working but possible with ndiswrapper), asus 18x DVDR, Antec NSK2480 case, two maxtor rebranded seagate 320GB drives. So far works fine. Setting it up took me weeks

but mostly b/c I am a complete newbie to linux and I haven't built a pc in 5 years. Most of my installation problems were due to bios settings set incorrectly for my set up. I still need to try connecting this to my television (i set LMCE up with a 17" dell moniter), install the Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-950 ATSC NTSC USB HD TV Tuner (which I hear takes some doing in linux). I also have an ADS tuner, but I don't think it works in linux.
Oh by the way I am using this as a hybrid not a dedicated core. So I am losing a lot of functionality, but I just wanted to test it out first.