I did that guys, yes the overlay looks not good, but i could live with that.
Unforrtenately the tearing still happens. Strange
Does Nvidia not have any good drivers, because they give support until the latest cards..
Ok Blu ray , i know its a commercial thing and i find DVD to be very good also.
Hardware support, i am a linux user so i know i have to choose the correct stuf.
But simple features like plugging in your sd cards from your camera , copying it to your mce and directly viewing a slideshow should realy be no hassle..
Copying a DVD without having to go in the kubuntu GUI, just with the remote control
These little features may seem small compared to the automatisation interface or voip interface, but its something probably mostly used by the novice user
Maybe the lmce guys should take these features more in account and just change that
Hi powerbits,
You're not giving us much info about your setup. ie... what series of Nvidia vga card you're running, have you installed the latest drivers etc...
I am running a quad core with and Nvidia 9xxxxx series with the latest drivers. UI 1 with no tearing. Just the occasional flicker, which I can live
with. Copying DVDs can be carried out from any Orbiter without accessing KDE. As far as the USB/picture import is concerned, you could easily
keep a windows machine around, whether it be a stand alone windows box or a virtualized instance the choice is yours. However Linux MCE is more than meets the eye.