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Messages - erd_baer

Pages: [1]
Installation issues / Re: No log-in screen
« on: September 26, 2008, 05:30:17 pm »
which version of what were used?
I used the disk that i burned the 1. may 2008. I tryed in the paste to install it with this dvd, but i have not knewn that i need an entire HDD, so i stored the disk.
I don't know which version this is exactly, but it should be the one, which was the latest at the 1. may 2008. In the GRUB menu i can see that it uses kubuntu 7.10.
So how exactly did you install
Insert the disk above, setting bios to boot from cd/dvd, choose "install on /dev/sdb", and then wait...
After copying it asked for the general settings like passwort for the user "linuxMCE" etc. Then i wanted to boot it, but the x-server does not start... see above  :(

Installation issues / Re: No log-in screen
« on: September 26, 2008, 03:37:19 pm »
Can you please double check that this is definitely the correct file from /var/log/Xorg.0.log? Also, do an ls -al /var/log/Xorg.0.log so we can see the date stamp...
Yes, definitely... here the timestamp (don't wonder about "/media/disk", i use my ubuntu system...)
Code: [Select]
me@ubuntu:~$ ls -al /media/disk/var/log/Xorg.0.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27833 2007-11-01 18:00 /media/disk/var/log/Xorg.0.log
Quote from: me
when the x-server should appear, there is another sound while the screen gets no signal... something like
_-_-_ _
But its very fast, i cant realy recognize each sound.
If you want to i can capture the boot-process, it's a bit difficult to describe a sound  ;D

There are two other files, Xorg.1.log and Xorg.2.log. Both are from yesterday, my screen "Acer AL2216W" and "nVidia Corporation NVIDIA Default Card" are in this logs, too.

Installation issues / Re: No log-in screen
« on: September 25, 2008, 08:28:55 pm »
I don't know why there is "VMware" in the log files. I have not installed it into a VM. I installed it with the DVD on an entire HDD.

Installation issues / Re: No log-in screen
« on: September 25, 2008, 06:18:00 pm »
It is already happened to me in other cases, that the screen was getting a "wrong" signal. But the screen(s) differences between "no signal" and "bad signal", and appearently there is realy NO signal. Both are TFT screens (Acer AL2216Wd and AL1916).
1) I already tryed:
Both connected, VGA and DVI (VGA -->AL1916, the small one with 1280x1024)
Only the big one (1680x1050) per DVI
Only the small one per VGA

Everytime with the same result.

2) I think its okay when i use my Ubuntu system and edit the file with a graphical texteditor (gedit) instead of using nano/vi :)
So, the original values under "Modeline" were
Code: [Select]
HorizSync 20-500
VertRefresh 59-61
I changed it like you said, I wonder why the numbers are so different...never mind

I think it does only make sense, when i first reboot now before posting the log file. So, see you later, I will edit my post... ;)

Hm, same as before... here the logfile:

Installation issues / Re: No log-in screen
« on: September 25, 2008, 04:34:18 pm »
Thank you for your fast answer!

1) I tryed to use the CD Installation in the past - because i had problems to mount the CDs with the installation wizard, i can't install it. But now i found a relative old HDD (80GB), and wanted to install LinuxMCE on this hard drive with the DVD installer.
2) Hm, ok, I was a bit confused because it works without problems under (K)ubuntu and apparently not with LMCE
3) Okay :-)
4) Well, i cant see anything, so i thought it is a loginscreen like gnomes gdm.

5) No, no onboard graphik, so both, VGA and DVI is on the card.

I will now try to boot again, first only with the big screen (DVI), then only the small one (VGA). I will edit my post and tell you the results.

No difference if one screen is disconnected. But...

while booting, two things get failed:
*Mounting local filesystems...  (I hope this message is only because of my encrypted "ubuntu-hdd")
*Starting domain name service... bind

while booting, there are four sound in row, the first one the highest and the last one the lowest. It appears after the message
*Setting up console font and keymap... [ok]

when the x-server should appear, there is another sound while the screen gets no signal... something like
_-_-_ _
But its very fast, i cant realy recognize each sound.
Hope this information helps you to find out my problem

Installation issues / No log-in screen
« on: September 24, 2008, 11:26:28 pm »
Hi, i have installed LinuxMCE on a second hard drive, because the installtion of it over kubuntu does not worked for me (cd's cant be mount).
The installation went without any problems. Then I bootet LinuxMCE. I get the kubuntu Splash Screen and after that a lot of messages. All get [ok], exceptly two things with "DHCP" or so, they get [failed]. But then, when i expected the log-in screen, my screen says "no signal".
But I use Ubuntu, not Windows, so im not a "linux-noob" and tryed to change to a console with ctrl+alt+F1. This works fine and I can log-in to LinuxMCE.
My graphiccard is an nVidia 8600GS. With ubuntu it works ootb, but why not with linuxMCE, it is based on kubuntu!
By the way, i use two screens, one is connected per VGA and has a resolution of 1280x1024 (until now primary screen for linuxMCE), and the other is connected per DVI and has a resolution of 1680x1050 (until now not used by linuxMCE). I want, of course, use the second one as primary screen, the other should be turned off.

Sorry for my bad english, im german.

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