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Users / Re: Android QOrbiter
« on: January 28, 2013, 03:31:01 am »

I hope that I am posting this to the right thread. Wasn't sure if I should start a new one or not.
I am trying to run the latest Qorbiter version 0810410 (downloaded from the URL in previous messages) on an Asus tablet running Android 4.1.1

When launching Qorbiter, it connects to my Core and communicates with it, but eventually just dies (without ever showing me any UI). Here are the logs from my core. Do they tell us what the problem might be? It is saying something about "No streams". Otherwise, are there other logs available on the Android side that I could look at?

05   01/27/13 18:29:42.254      Router::RemoveAndDeleteSocket 0x44176700 271 <0x5e2f8b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.290      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 4 (General Info Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 71 Command:Request File, retry none, parameters: <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.290        Parameter 13(Filename): /var/tmp/271conf.xml <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.547      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to Orbiter Plug-in(9), type 1 id  59 Command:Set Entertainment Area, retry none, parameters: <0x4ead9b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.547        Parameter 45(PK_EntertainArea): 2 <0x4ead9b70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:42.547      Orbiter_Plugin::FireFollowMe mask M orb 271 user 0 r/e 2 r/e left 2 <0x84ed9b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548      Received Message from 9 (Orbiter Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 26 Command:Set Bound Icon, retry none, parameters: <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548        Parameter 5(Value To Assign): 0 <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548        Parameter 9(Text):  <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548        Parameter 14(Type): media_private <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548      Received Message from 10 (Media Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 242 Command:Set Now Playing, retry none, parameters: <0xa1ab5b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548        Parameter 3(PK_DesignObj):  <0xa1ab5b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548        Parameter 5(Value To Assign):  <0xa1ab5b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548        Parameter 9(Text):  <0xa1ab5b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548        Parameter 29(PK_MediaType): 0 <0xa1ab5b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548        Parameter 41(StreamID): 0 <0xa1ab5b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548        Parameter 48(Value): 0 <0xa1ab5b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548        Parameter 50(Name):  <0xa1ab5b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548        Parameter 103(List PK Device):  <0xa1ab5b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.548        Parameter 120(Retransmit): 0 <0xa1ab5b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.550      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to Orbiter Plug-in(9), type 1 id  77 Command:Set Current Room, retry none, parameters: <0x4ead9b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.550        Parameter 57(PK_Room): 1 <0x4ead9b70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:42.550      Orbiter_Plugin::FireFollowMe mask LCTS orb 271 user 0 r/e 1 r/e left 1 <0x84ed9b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.552      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 4 (General Info Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 246 Command:Set Device Data, retry none, parameters: <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.552        Parameter 2(PK_Device): 271 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.552        Parameter 5(Value To Assign): 1 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.552        Parameter 52(PK_DeviceData): 3 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 9 (Orbiter Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 255 Command:Orbiter Registered, retry none, parameters: <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560        Parameter 8(On/Off): 1 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560        Parameter 17(PK_Users): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560        Parameter 45(PK_EntertainArea): 2 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560        Parameter 57(PK_Room): 1 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560      Received Message from 13 (Security Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 26 Command:Set Bound Icon, retry none, parameters: <0x9c0fcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560        Parameter 5(Value To Assign): 1 <0x9c0fcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560        Parameter 9(Text):  <0x9c0fcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560        Parameter 14(Type): housemode0 <0x9c0fcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560      Received Message from 13 (Security Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 26 Command:Set Bound Icon, retry none, parameters: <0x9c0fcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560        Parameter 5(Value To Assign): 0 <0x9c0fcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560        Parameter 9(Text):  <0x9c0fcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560        Parameter 14(Type): monitormode <0x9c0fcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561      Received Message from 9 (Orbiter Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 26 Command:Set Bound Icon, retry none, parameters: <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 5(Value To Assign): 0 <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 9(Text):  <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 14(Type): follow_light <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561      Received Message from 9 (Orbiter Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 26 Command:Set Bound Icon, retry none, parameters: <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 5(Value To Assign): 0 <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 9(Text):  <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 14(Type): follow_media <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561      Received Message from 9 (Orbiter Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 26 Command:Set Bound Icon, retry none, parameters: <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 5(Value To Assign): 0 <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 9(Text):  <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 14(Type): follow_climate <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561      Received Message from 9 (Orbiter Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 26 Command:Set Bound Icon, retry none, parameters: <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 5(Value To Assign): 0 <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 9(Text):  <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 14(Type): follow_security <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561      Received Message from 9 (Orbiter Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 26 Command:Set Bound Icon, retry none, parameters: <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 5(Value To Assign): 0 <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 9(Text):  <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.561        Parameter 14(Type): follow_telecom <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.565      Received Message from 9 (Orbiter Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 741 Command:Goto Screen, retry none, parameters: <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.565        Parameter 159(PK_Screen): 204 <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.565        Parameter 251(Interruption): 0 <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.565        Parameter 252(Turn On): 0 <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.565        Parameter 253(Queue): 0 <0xa52bcb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.560      Received Message from 11 (Telecom Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 26 Command:Set Bound Icon, retry none, parameters: <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570        Parameter 5(Value To Assign): 1 <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570        Parameter 9(Text):  <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570        Parameter 14(Type): user1 <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570      Received Message from 11 (Telecom Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 26 Command:Set Bound Icon, retry none, parameters: <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570        Parameter 5(Value To Assign): 0 <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570        Parameter 9(Text): 0 <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570        Parameter 14(Type): vm1 <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570      Received Message from 11 (Telecom Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 26 Command:Set Bound Icon, retry none, parameters: <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570        Parameter 5(Value To Assign): 1 <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570        Parameter 9(Text):  <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570        Parameter 14(Type): user2 <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570      Received Message from 11 (Telecom Plug-in / Computer Closet) to 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom), type 1 id 26 Command:Set Bound Icon, retry none, parameters: <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570        Parameter 5(Value To Assign): 2 <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570        Parameter 9(Text): 12 <0x9f2b0b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.570        Parameter 14(Type): vm2 <0x9f2b0b70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:42.585      Socket::ReceiveData 0x441763a0 failed, bytes left 0 start: -2057207296 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 201 Incoming_Conn Socket 201 <0x67cdbb70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:42.585      Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 201 <0x67cdbb70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:42.585      TCPIP: Closing connection to -1003 (Router Dev #0) 0x441763a0 m_Socket: -1 <0x67cdbb70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:42.585      Router::RemoveAndDeleteSocket 0x441763a0 -1003 <0x67cdbb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.588      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 9 (Orbiter Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 818 Command:Get Screen Saver Files, retry none, parameters: <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.588        Parameter 2(PK_Device): 271 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.588        Parameter 13(Filename):  <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.747      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 10 (Media Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 68 Command:Get Device Data, retry none, parameters: <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.747        Parameter 2(PK_Device): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.748        Parameter 5(Value To Assign):  <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.748        Parameter 52(PK_DeviceData): 158 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.748        Parameter 53(UseDefault): 1 <0x96efdb70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:42.748      An orbiter sent the media handler message type: 1 id: 68, but there's no stream in ea 2 <0x836d6b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.750      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 10 (Media Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 807 Command:Get Attributes For Media, retry none, parameters: <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.750        Parameter 5(Value To Assign):  <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.750        Parameter 13(Filename):  <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.750        Parameter 45(PK_EntertainArea): 2 <0x96efdb70>
01   01/27/13 18:29:42.750      Media_Plugin::CMD_Get_Attributes_For_Media no filename nor valid EA w/ stream 2 (0xb633b898) specified <0x836d6b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.753      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 6 (Datagrid Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 35 Command:Populate Datagrid, retry none, parameters: <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.753        Parameter 4(PK_Variable): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.753        Parameter 5(Value To Assign):  <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.753        Parameter 10(ID): 1 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.753        Parameter 15(DataGrid ID): mac_271 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.753        Parameter 38(PK_DataGrid): 31 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.753        Parameter 39(Options): 2 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.753        Parameter 40(IsSuccessful): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.753        Parameter 44(PK_DeviceTemplate): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.753        Parameter 60(Width): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.753        Parameter 61(Height): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.755      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 6 (Datagrid Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 34 Command:Request Datagrid Contents, retry none, parameters: <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.755        Parameter 10(ID): 1 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.755        Parameter 15(DataGrid ID): mac_271 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.755        Parameter 32(Row): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.755        Parameter 33(Column): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.755        Parameter 34(Row count): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.755        Parameter 35(Column count): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.755        Parameter 36(Keep Row Header): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.755        Parameter 37(Keep Column Header): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.755        Parameter 49(Add Up-Down Arrows): 1 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.755        Parameter 73(Seek):  <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:42.755        Parameter 74(Offset): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:43.203      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 4 (General Info Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 71 Command:Request File, retry none, parameters: <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:43.203        Parameter 13(Filename): /home/public/data/pictures/2008-08 Lake Powell Houseboat/P1040501.JPG <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.463      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 6 (Datagrid Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 35 Command:Populate Datagrid, retry none, parameters: <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.463        Parameter 4(PK_Variable): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.463        Parameter 5(Value To Assign):  <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.463        Parameter 10(ID): 2 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.463        Parameter 15(DataGrid ID): plist_271 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.463        Parameter 38(PK_DataGrid): 18 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.463        Parameter 39(Options): 38 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.463        Parameter 40(IsSuccessful): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.463        Parameter 44(PK_DeviceTemplate): 9 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.463        Parameter 60(Width): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.463        Parameter 61(Height): 1 <0x96efdb70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:44.463      No stream on orbiter: 271 <0x896e2b70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:44.463      The message was not from an orbiter or it doesn't have a media stream on it! <0x896e2b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.466      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 6 (Datagrid Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 34 Command:Request Datagrid Contents, retry none, parameters: <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.466        Parameter 10(ID): 2 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.466        Parameter 15(DataGrid ID): plist_271 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.466        Parameter 32(Row): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.466        Parameter 33(Column): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.466        Parameter 34(Row count): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.466        Parameter 35(Column count): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.466        Parameter 36(Keep Row Header): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.466        Parameter 37(Keep Column Header): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.466        Parameter 49(Add Up-Down Arrows): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.466        Parameter 73(Seek):  <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.466        Parameter 74(Offset): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.469      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 6 (Datagrid Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 35 Command:Populate Datagrid, retry none, parameters: <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.469        Parameter 4(PK_Variable): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.469        Parameter 5(Value To Assign):  <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.469        Parameter 10(ID): 3 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.469        Parameter 15(DataGrid ID): plist_271 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.469        Parameter 38(PK_DataGrid): 18 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.469        Parameter 39(Options): 38 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.469        Parameter 40(IsSuccessful): 1 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.469        Parameter 44(PK_DeviceTemplate): 9 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.469        Parameter 60(Width): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.469        Parameter 61(Height): 1 <0x96efdb70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:44.470      No stream on orbiter: 271 <0x896e2b70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:44.470      The message was not from an orbiter or it doesn't have a media stream on it! <0x896e2b70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.477      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 6 (Datagrid Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 34 Command:Request Datagrid Contents, retry none, parameters: <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.477        Parameter 10(ID): 3 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.477        Parameter 15(DataGrid ID): plist_271 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.477        Parameter 32(Row): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.477        Parameter 33(Column): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.477        Parameter 34(Row count): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.477        Parameter 35(Column count): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.477        Parameter 36(Keep Row Header): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.477        Parameter 37(Keep Column Header): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.477        Parameter 49(Add Up-Down Arrows): 0 <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.477        Parameter 73(Seek):  <0x96efdb70>
08   01/27/13 18:29:44.477        Parameter 74(Offset): 0 <0x96efdb70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:46.573      Socket::ReceiveData 0x44175ff8 failed, bytes left 0 start: -2057217296 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 197 Incoming_Conn Socket 197 271 T=2186 Event #271 <0x4ead9b70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:46.573      Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 197 271 T=2186 Event #271 <0x4ead9b70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:46.573      TCPIP: Closing connection to 271 (Router Dev #0) 0x44175ff8 m_Socket: -1 <0x4ead9b70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:46.573      Router::RemoveAndDeleteSocket 0x44175ff8 271 <0x4ead9b70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:46.574      Socket::ReceiveData 0x44176130 failed, bytes left 0 start: -2057157296 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 198 Incoming_Conn Socket 198 271 T=2186 Event #271 <0x96efdb70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:46.574      Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 198 271 T=2186 Event #271 <0x96efdb70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:46.574      TCPIP: Closing connection to 271 (Router Dev #0) 0x44176130 m_Socket: -1 <0x96efdb70>
05   01/27/13 18:29:46.574      Router::RemoveAndDeleteSocket 0x44176130 271 <0x96efdb70>

Users / Re: Android Qorbiter crashing
« on: February 15, 2012, 07:22:20 am »
Thanks for the feedback, I was just wondering if I was doing something wrong here. I'll wait for an update and test again. FYI I tested in Portrait and it gives me the same issue..

Users / Android Qorbiter crashing
« on: February 14, 2012, 04:47:40 pm »

I have been trying the Android Qorbiter on a cheap tablet:
- I installed the application on the tablet (and it downloaded a bunch of extra libs)
- I created a new qorbiter orbiter in the web admin
- set default room, user and skin in the webadmin
- generated the orbiter config file on the core by running the PHP script
- downloaded the skins from svn to the core
- did a full regen of the orbiter, then a reset of the core
- edited the config XML file on the tablet to put my core IP (which is different from default) and device ID
- started the qorbiter on the tablet
- the qorbiter will show me the main screen of the orbiter with all the buttons.
- when I click on the power button or advanced button, a new popup menu comes up with the expected content

BUT when I click on any other button like Audio, Video or even Sleeping Menu, the Qorbiter application closes

Any idea what is wrong, or whether the Qorbiter writes any logs on the tablet that I could look at?

Thank you!


PS: My DCERouter.log shows this:

[long list of media files being generated for Datagrid]
05   02/14/12 7:45:05.262      list  : Youth in Revolt.avi date: 0 <0x7e1f3b70>
05   02/14/12 7:45:05.262      list  : Zodiac_2007.avi date: 0 <0x7e1f3b70>
08   02/14/12 7:45:05.278      Received Message from 271 (Master Bedroom Android Orbiter / Master Bedroom) to 6 (Datagrid Plug-in / Computer Closet), type 1 id 34 Command:Request Datagrid Contents, retry none, parameters: <0x11befb70>
08   02/14/12 7:45:05.278        Parameter 10(ID): 2 <0x11befb70>
08   02/14/12 7:45:05.278        Parameter 15(DataGrid ID): MediaFile_271 <0x11befb70>
08   02/14/12 7:45:05.278        Parameter 32(Row): 0 <0x11befb70>
08   02/14/12 7:45:05.278        Parameter 33(Column): 0 <0x11befb70>
08   02/14/12 7:45:05.278        Parameter 34(Row count): 1823 <0x11befb70>
08   02/14/12 7:45:05.278        Parameter 35(Column count): 1 <0x11befb70>
08   02/14/12 7:45:05.278        Parameter 36(Keep Row Header): 0 <0x11befb70>
08   02/14/12 7:45:05.278        Parameter 37(Keep Column Header): 0 <0x11befb70>
08   02/14/12 7:45:05.278        Parameter 49(Add Up-Down Arrows): 1 <0x11befb70>
08   02/14/12 7:45:05.278        Parameter 73(Seek):  <0x11befb70>
08   02/14/12 7:45:05.278        Parameter 74(Offset): 5 <0x11befb70>
05   02/14/12 7:45:05.337      Socket::ReceiveData 0x500a6bb0 failed, bytes left 0 start: 2390000 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 356 Incoming_Conn Socket 356 271 T=2186 Event #271 <0xcbe5b70>
05   02/14/12 7:45:05.337      Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 356 271 T=2186 Event #271 <0xcbe5b70>
05   02/14/12 7:45:05.337      TCPIP: Closing connection to 271 (Router Dev #0) 0x500a6bb0 m_Socket: -1 <0xcbe5b70>
05   02/14/12 7:45:05.337      Router::RemoveAndDeleteSocket 0x500a6bb0 271 <0xcbe5b70>
05   02/14/12 7:45:05.337      Socket::ReceiveData 0x500a6ce8 failed, bytes left -1 start: 2450000 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 357 Incoming_Conn Socket 357 271 T=2186 Event #271 <0x11befb70>
05   02/14/12 7:45:05.337      Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 357 271 T=2186 Event #271 <0x11befb70>
05   02/14/12 7:45:05.337      TCPIP: Closing connection to 271 (Router Dev #0) 0x500a6ce8 m_Socket: -1 <0x11befb70>
05   02/14/12 7:45:05.337      Router::RemoveAndDeleteSocket 0x500a6ce8 271 <0x11befb70>

The Device ID of the qorbiter is 271

Users / Re: lmce-autotagger ?
« on: August 17, 2011, 05:15:32 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply. I have corrected the wiki page so that nobody else gets confused, and will wait for the package to be available in 0810.


Users / lmce-autotagger ?
« on: August 17, 2011, 05:19:52 am »

I just updated my 0810 installation to the current version (apt-get update; apt-get upgrade), and one of the improvements I was looking for is the autotagger.
According to this page:
There was a package lmce-autotagger created on May 30th.

However that package did not install during my update, and
apt-get update; apt-get install lmce-autotagger
says that this package doesn't exist.

What am I doing wrong, and if the autotagger does not come in a package, is the only way to install it compiling it from source?

Thank you!


Users / Re: Need testers - updated 10-1
« on: April 18, 2011, 08:27:27 am »

without the autotagger being integrated into UpdateMedia, what is the best way to have it run automatically on new files added to the system? If I would set a cron to run autotagger once daily, would it retag previously tagged files, or would it be smart enough to only look at new files? (Assuming I'm passing directories to it, and not individual filenames)


Users / Re: Shoutcast not working after last upgrade
« on: March 06, 2011, 08:09:09 am »

here is a patch to make the Shoutcast Plugin work against the new API. Anyone with a dev environement, feel free to test it, and if anyone can add it to svn, that would be great. Some changes:

- I eliminated the parameter for baseurl and xmlurl as I think these are API specific, so any change in URL would also most likely require other changes in the code, so I don't see the point in having these as params
- added a new parameter "apiKey" that you must populate in the Shoutcast device options in the admin. This is a new Shoutcast API key that is required in all programs accessing the new API. You can test it with apiKey=fa1_BmicYQPDbbKm I borrowed this API key from some page found on google, so it could stop working at any time. We would need to register a proper apiKey just for LMCE, but when I tried doing that, the Shoutcast developer registration site was down
- I added a feature so that duplicate stations are automatically eliminated from within the same genre (some people post their station multiple times under different stationids)

Let me know if any problems...


Users / Re: Don't ring any phones during sleeping mode?
« on: February 03, 2011, 06:32:32 pm »
Nevermind, it seems that the ticket in trac was created after all, since I received some emails. It actually created 2 tickets: 974 and 975, so one needs to be deleted.

Users / Re: Don't ring any phones during sleeping mode?
« on: February 03, 2011, 05:30:09 pm »
So the file that controls this is pluto/bin/, which is actually much easier for me to change since it doesn't have to be compiled.

Unfortunately I am unable to create a trac ticket, the trac server says "Submission rejected as potential spam (SpamBayes determined spam probability of 94.09%)"

Attached is the patch I made, perhaps someone can create the ticket for me?


Users / Re: Don't ring any phones during sleeping mode?
« on: January 30, 2011, 07:15:16 pm »
Sorry, it took me a while to look at this with the holidays and all.

The relevant code is in extensions_pluto_dial.conf

When someone selects the "Call everybody in the house" option in the ivr menu, there is simply a dial command without any conditions that dials any phone in the house. I think this behavior is wrong for the reasons stated in my initial post, however I'm not exactly sure what the best solution is.

In my case, if I replace the Dial statement by:

exten => 0,1,AGI(pluto-gethousemode.agi)
exten => 0,2,Goto(from-pluto-custom,103-hm${HOUSEMODE},1)

Then instead of ringing all phones, it will only ring those configured for the housemode, for the duration entered in the admin (# of seconds to ring before IVR) and then return to the IVR (basically it does the same as it just did before getting to the IVR). For me this behavior is acceptable, but I don't know if it is for everyone. I have a "# of seconds to ring before IVR" set to 25 in my system. My idea is that when someone calls, the phones ring, like normal phones, and if someone is there, they will pickup. The IVR is only supposed to be used if nobody is home.

So before opening a trac ticket to provide this change/patch, we need to understand if this solution is suitable for everyone. For example, does everyone have a "# of seconds to ring before IVR" > 0, or are there people who go immediately to the IVR, and expect callers to be able to choose the option "call everyone in the one" if they want to ring all phones versus calling one particular user?

Another possible solution, which I could try to implement, would be to make the "call everybody in the house" option of the IVR optional. It could be enabled or disabled in the admin. In my case I would disable it, and that would suit me as well.

Please let me know your thoughts.


PS: can anyone tell me where the code is that generates extensions_pluto_dial.conf based on the config entered in the admin?

Users / Re: Android Touch Orbiter
« on: November 03, 2010, 06:40:07 am »

I just stumbled on this and it works great on my Droid. Since you said you are open to feature requests: any plans to add user authentication (similar to the web orbiter) so it could safely run over public internet?


Users / Don't ring any phones during sleeping mode?
« on: November 02, 2010, 04:28:02 pm »

I have the following problem:
a) In the admin, in phone lines / settings, I have configured most of my extensions (those in bedrooms anyway) not to ring when in sleeping mode
b) In the admin under telecom / call routing, I have configured for calls to go straight to voicemail when my users are in sleeping mode. I did the same for priority callers as a precaution, although I have no priority callers configured.

Now when I call the house, most of my extensions will not ring, as expected. After a few rings, the IVR kicks in. One of the prompts is "To call everybody in the house, press 0". When the caller presses 0, all extensions in the house start ringing, including those that were disabled in step a), so everybody wakes up.

How can I prevent Asterisk from ringing any more extensions after IVR/Press0 than it is ringing before the IVR? (or it could go straight to voicemail at that point, that would be fine too).


PS: I *think* this was working how I wanted when I was running 710, but I can't figure out how to change this behavior in 810. I'm probably just not looking in the right place...

Developers / Re: MySQL wizards: Need Help with MythTV query
« on: September 25, 2010, 07:58:52 am »

since I upgraded from 710 to 810, my DCERouter device started crashing each time I click on TV, then when it starts again (which takes a few mins) and I click on TV again, it successfully launches MythTV. The wife is very annoyed. After looking through the logs, adding mysql slow query log and so on, I tracked the issue down to the problem described in this thread. My query also takes between 20 and 30 secs the first time when it's not cashed.

I had even tried to create a new index with the columns starttime and endtime, but it didn't help. (It only barely reduces the query time).

I was starting to think that there was a configuration problem with my mysql or some disk throughput problem, until I stumbled upon this thread.

Are there any further thoughts as to what could be done to solve this problem? I am surprised that there are not more users affected by it, since my setup is not special besides the fact that my cable company happens to have a few hundred channels.

Since the EPG guide on the orbiter only displays 5 channels at a time, I was wondering if perhaps it would be possible to query the program table for only 5 channels, then query the next 5 when loading the next page on the orbiter? This should speed it up greatly since it would use the channel ids as keys. But since I'm not sure how the datagrid works, I don't know if this is possible.

Alternatively, could someone tell me where the DCERouter deadlock timer is located? I would be happy to play with that (and recompile if necessary) to see if I find a value high enough to solve this problem but still low enough to be effective?


Users / Re: Game Player and default games
« on: September 20, 2010, 07:31:45 am »

thanks for the quick reply. The confusion started from the fact that I had indeed some ZIP files in my media folders and thought these were non working sample games.
I have made some changes to the 810 MAME wiki to make this clearer (I see now that some of this was explained in the 710 MAME wiki, so I just added some of that explanation to the 810 wiki page).

One last question: is this supposed to support ROMs from any console listed in the MESS project, or only for those specific ones for which you already created directories under /games ?


Users / Game Player and default games
« on: September 20, 2010, 04:25:35 am »

I just installed the Game Player on some of my MDs following the instructions in the wiki (after updating to latest 810 from repository).
According to the instructions, there should be some games installed by default. If the screenshot in the wiki is taken just after the default install, then there should be a lot of games included!

When I click on the Games button that now appears in my Orbiters, I see the following names listed in the orbiter grid:
- ARTWORK ghosttown
-  ARTWORK peacock
- COPY OF ARTWORK ghosttown
- SUBTITLES ghosttown
- SUBTITLES peacock
and that's it

Trying to play any of them results in an error.

Now I was wondering: how many games should be included by default, if any?
The package lmce-mame-metadata was nearly 1.5 Gb, and the DB lmce-games, table ROM contains thousands of files listed.

I just want to ascertain whether something went wrong during the install (and if so how do I fix it), or if this is the normal starting situation with no playable games included by default?

I am aware that additional ROMs should be loaded by me into the games folder. I have not done that yet by fear of breaking things further.

Thank you!


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